Thursday, 30 November 2017


Dear Friend, 

Congratulations and welcome to a brand new Year. It's important we take a moment to be thankful to God for the privilege of seeing the first day in the first month of the new year.. The successes and the setbacks of the past 11 months notwithstanding...what matters most today is that we are still breathing...and for that we should be grateful. 

Happy New Year?

Every new day begins with the evening of the previous day; but every new day begins at 12 midnight, hence permit me to say, the twelfth month is not the last Month of the incumbent year but the early hours of the new year. 

I need you to pay attention to what you do this month...because it might potentially set the pattern for the next 11 months. Why not join us this month as we explore the theme GET READY. 

Congratulations once again and Happy New Month! 

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Work It Now [WIN] Series: Episode 4

David was anointed to be king yet, it took several years after he was anointed before he eventually emerged as a king.

Joseph told his former inmates to speak to Pharaoh about him and yet, they initially forgot not until Pharaoh had a supposedly unpleasant dream before they could remember him. 

The foolish virgins were called foolish not because they didn't carry oil in their lamps...but because they didn't carry extra oil in the event that the groom delayed his coming; they eventually ran out of oil just before the groom showed up. 

Friends, I need you to brace up...because in this journey of pursuing your dreams, some of your plans will be exhausted; some things might take longer than anticipated; some people would not deliver like they have promised...yet, you need to keep....keeping on. 
So, in your planning...make provisions for double; if it will take 3 miles...prepare physically for 6 miles. Why should you be exhausted when you are just close to the finish line?

Those who make it to the end...make plans that can keep them in the race until the end. 


1. What do you require for the next phase of your dream?
2. What resources (Mental, Physical and Financial) do you need?
3. Prepare for twice as much as you require in question 2.

It's time to Work It Now...It's time to WIN. 

Good morning and Happy Mid-Week!


In the field of sport, every athlete and sports person would tell you the importance of stamina: The ability to move comfortably at a steady pace and having one's breathing rate and heart rate fully coordinated during a highly-intense, full body endurance sports or exercise. Stamina does not jump on people, it is gradually developed through regular routine exercises before the game(s). This is the reason why long distance runners stay long in the race; it is the same reason footballers can comfortably run around for at least 90 minutes during a game. Fitness can not be over emphasised when it comes to the world of sports.

How do you characterise an athlete with so much fatigue, feeling overwhelmed by the demands of the game and running out of gas just a few minutes into the game? Would you say, they have been developing stamina?

Friends, every potentially great destiny in life is like a potential Olympic gold medalist. There are high-intense, full life enduring demands in the pursuit for every greatness. Whether greatness in family life, career, business, academics, etc. These demands would always be present as long as we remain in the game (of living). Just like the athlete it is very critical that we build all round capacity. Develop ourselves for the greatness ahead. The same way stamina do not jump on athletes, so also capacity development does not come upon us. 
We need to consciously build it by applying ourselves to destiny building disciplines (exercise), Why? If we are still living and greatness still remains our objective, personal development is not an option, it is the way out. 

What can you say about the following statements?

...I can't make it...

...It feels overwhelming, I just can't handle it...

...I want out...

...I quit...

These are expressions that are common with Destiny Fatigue, Lack of preparation through robust personal development routines, Low stamina, etc. 

Some of your goals would not be achieved within the anticipated time frame. Your stamina would be required during such moments; certain targets might just take a little bit longer than your research suggested, your endurance is very key to achieving your purpose, your dream and your goal. It is time to build capacity. Therefore...

You can not afford to be obese or over weight in the pursuit of destiny.
You can not afford to burn out.
You can not afford to not work out mentally in order to build resistance. 

Let us see what the scripture says: 

...If thou FAINT on the day of adversity, THY STRENGTH IS SMALL... Proverbs 24:10

Before every quitting is a poor capacity development; before every feeling of 'I can't make it' is a lack of discipline to exercise.

What are you doing with regards to the game in your life? Family game? Career game? Business game? Faith game? Are you building capacity or just wishing your greatness to chance?

How many books have you read in the last 90 days, with regards to the games you are engaged in?

How many practical steps and disciplines are you cultivating for the game ahead? 

Athletes do not eat every thing that smell or tastes nice...that's a discipline. Are you driven by pleasure and comfort? Do you subscribe to paths of least resistance? 

Friends the demands for being successful in any endeavour, is INTENSE, requires ENDURANCE during the entire process; therefore strength (stamina) has to be built. 

You will not fail!

Till when next you visit this blog...keep building STRENGTH for the days ahead.

Sunday, 26 November 2017


God created the universe in 6 days...and he rested on the seventh day but here is something I find very interesting about how God planned His work. 

First and foremost, God was self-employed; nobody was overseeing his work, neither was he reporting to anyone. Yet, from His personal concept of Personal Effectiveness, he successfully executed the all time Successful Project the world has ever known. 

Before creation, there was no system for timing or assessment for a day's work (but Guess what); God created light first and then he separated the light from the darkness; he called the light day and the darkness he called night and so he experienced morning and evening from the very first day (Gen. 1:3-5). 

So...God first established a system to measure his Personal Effectiveness before he went fully into doing the rest of the Project. 
Being all over the place, does not translate into being productive. Jumping from one task to another and attending endless meetings doesn't translate into having a productive day.

If you want to measure your Daily Personal Effectiveness, then...give yourself a scope of reference. Build a Monthly scope of work, and then from that come up with weekly work packages. 

When our Productivity is planned, then our progress can be measured. 

If you are not reporting to anyone, what will your day look like? How many work packages will you be closing out on a daily basis? 

God established a Night and Day system to measure his Personal Effectiveness, Schools run a semester/term system to measure theirs...What system are you creating to help measure and enhance your Personal Effectiveness?

Personal accountability is the foundation for Personal effectiveness.

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 22 November 2017


...For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mothers' womb; and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men; and there be eunuchs, which HAVE MADE THEMSELVES eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake... Matt. 19:12 KJV

Every glorious destiny will place a personal demand on its owner. It is therefore no coincidence that some will end up as huge successes and others end will up average. 

The 'c' part of the above text is so instructional. In every individual lies the power to make relevant changes for the sake of their dreams, purpose or goals. Success is deliberate and its pursuit is very intentional. No man can guess his way to any destination, neither can a driver assume a route to a location. 

The question is 'What are you making yourself'

A wise man once said, 'Failure to plan is planning to fail'. This simply implies that our activity or inactivity is a preparation for a destination or an outcome (positive or negative).

If a student studies, S/he is planning to pass their exams and if a student refuses to study, S/he is also planning to fail their exams.

If you decide to read one book a month, listen to tapes and CDs relevant to your assignment, What would you have made yourself in the next one year in relation to your dreams?

If you decide to work-out 30 minutes a day for the next 6 months and keep an eye on your diet, What would you have made yourself in relation to your fitness dreams?

If you keep listening to those who have failed marriages and relationship by keeping them as close allies, watch it, your relationship might just be on its way down. Interestingly, this is a circle I have witnessed a lot of times.

Those who push for higher degrees and Diplomas, if you look closely, their inner circle is filled with friends/family members with the same goals or have achieved the same goal.

Those (men and women) who eventually walked out of their marriages, most times have been in close ties with people who don't have value for qualitative family life, this could be through direct contact or TV Shows. 

It's the same for a man who hits his wife and a woman who shows disrespect to her husband. 

What are you making yourself?

I charge you today, to start being conscious and aware of the lifestyle you lead. Some people desire to be financially stable but they keep engaging in unhealthy shopping lifestyles. Would their dreams be realised? Your guess is as good as mine. 


1. Keep your eyes continuously focused on the 'Kingdom of Heaven' (Your ultimate goal, vision, dreams and aspirations)

2. Consciously build habits that will enhance the actualisation of that Kingdom. 

The good news is, IT IS IN YOUR POWER to make the relevant changes you need. So why not accept personal responsibility and take charge of your destiny?

You will not fail!

Till when next we come your way...focus on YOUR KINGDOM.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Work It Now [WIN] Series: Episode 3

Success in any endeavour is synonymous to achievements, but there is actually no achievement without the completion of set goals. 

It's easier to over estimate what you can achieve in a year and underestimate what you can achieve in a day; but it's quite obvious it's the days that eventually add up into years.  

If every year begins with a day, then I suggest you start paying attention to your daily goals; because continuous result oriented days is what makes for a result-full year. 

Don't tell me what you can accomplish in a year, if you can't accomplish your daily personal goals. 

If you keep procrastinating your daily goals, very soon your yearly goals will be postponed. 

You want to take out the thrash today? Do It!
You want to rearrange your corner at work today? Do It!
You want to run a mile today? Do It! 
You want to call up potential customers for your business today? Do It! 

Go do it! Don't just do it...complete it! 

It doesn't matter what you have written down as a to-do list, the most important thing is DOING the list. 

It doesn't matter what you have set out to do today, I dare you to go do it


1. Make a To-Do List Daily in the morning 
2. Make a Completed-List at night 
3. Compare both lists and see how well you did

It's time to Work It Now...It's time to WIN. 

Good morning and Happy Mid-Week!

Sunday, 19 November 2017


 No matter what you is important you keep your eyes on your ultimate goal; because, there is power in focus.

Keep seeing it...keep imagining it...keep doing things that will help you to reinforce and sustain the big picture. Sometimes, to achieve this, there might be the need to temporarily or permanently discontinue certain types of association but by all means possible...keep your eyes on the big picture. 

In 1 Sam. 17:25 David first heard about the rewards for anyone who can solve the Goliath challenge. Yet, in verse 26...David asked the same questions and a different set of men repeated what he was initially told. In verse 30, he asked a different set of people the same questions and he got the same answer. 

Was David trying to be sure...or....did the first guys lie to him? part of the rewards that he heard was the fact that..."the hero who will save the day, shall no longer pay tax: neither him nor his family". That was a privilege for the royal family alone. 

To share this same sort of privilege, in my opinion was a major picture for David; and so he needed to hear the same things repeatedly.  

To maintain this quality of focus, he also had to separate from the same brothers they asked him to come and check up on (1 Sam. 17:27-29). 

Sometimes you might also need a "term of reference" to help you keep up with this quality of visionary mindset. 

What will happen if you become financially free? 
What will be your benefit if you follow through with your weight loss plan? 
How many underprivileged kids will benefit from the fact that you have a thriving business? 

It's time to start asking about the "Big questions" as it applies to your "Big picture". 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 15 November 2017


 Emotions are very powerful; but this power could either be a booster or a weight on the path to success. Some people have used emotions to take giant steps and other people have also refused to take steps because of their emotional state. 


Have you ever seen people start certain things passionately and a few blocks down the line, they are beginning to consider walking away? What changed? Their emotions.

Someone would say, challenges grew bigger, right? But at the point of making the decision to commit, how come it seemed as though ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE and then suddenly it's beginning to be circumstance based? Emotions.

Greatness is never birthed by unstable emotions. FEELING GOOD ABOUT THE TASK IS A DISCIPLINE YOU DEVELOP, IT IS NOT WHAT THE TASK OFFERS YOU. The task will never remain the same, the challenges won't grow smaller, there would be bends along the road, bumps and pot holes alike, but you make a conscious decision to be in charge of your emotional state. STOP BEING EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE! 

You see, the road to success is long and demanding already but when we allow our negative emotions to get in the way, it makes it even longer. Friends, receiving insults is part of it...being disrespected is definitely part of it...not being appreciated...sudden changes that you didn't anticipate...the list is endless. WILL YOU GIVE UP? WILL YOU LOOK BACK? 


Some people stopped going to the GYM because the trainer is too hard on them, now they look twice as big than their first appointment at the GYM. Why? They don't just feel respected...who was to gain in the process? The trainer or themselves? 

Behind every divorce is an uncontrolled emotion.

Behind every business failure are negative emotions.

Behind every failure in life is self pity (a destructive emotional state).

Why are you always quick to walk away? Why do you keep 'giving-up' on things?

What am I saying? if the goal is yours and the dream is yours, keep your negative emotions out of the way AND REACH FOR YOUR DREAM! 

Stop complaining about people, because you would meet people everywhere. The world was not created for you alone. So, DON'T YOU LET ANYBODY OR THE TREATMENT YOU RECEIVE FROM ANYONE STOP YOU FROM REACHING YOUR GOAL!

Joseph had every opportunity, I mean justifiable opportunities to be bitter and hateful but he knew that feeling good is a DISCIPLINE , not what life or people would offer. Did he succeed or not?

David, haven been anointed, preparing for kingship, had an enemy chasing him, yet he refused to be bitter...even when the temptation was so high, all he did was to keep alive but patiently waiting for his time.

If we don't keep our emotions on check, we would soon check out on our greatness. 

Jesus gave a man a task...and the man said, he had his Dad's funeral to attend to and then, he will be back, guess what Jesus said...

...let the dead bury the dead: but go...(and do your assignment) Luke 9:59-60

How hard? Do you think Jesus was insensitive to his plight? 

Jesus was simply teaching him to not allow 'the good' distract him from 'the task'. 

In conclusion, Jesus said


Average people run average emotional lives...great people run powerful emotional lives. 


Till when next you visit this blog...DON'T LOOK BACK!

Sunday, 12 November 2017


So, every time I look at the Creation story, there is just a lot to learn from what God created and how He created them. Just imagine how long the world has been in existence and come to think that it took just 6 days of "Productive work" to set this up is even beyond human comprehension. 

So, what exactly did God do at the beginning?  

In my opinion, God did just 1 thing: He created all He did but did not complete any of those creations without a self-sustaining System. 

God is Systemic and he operates Systematically. Have you ever wondered why the moon can not show up during the day?

Behind anything running successfully, is a System in place.

Systems maximise your physical input. 

Don't just work hard on the hard to produce systems to efficiently deliver the task. 

What will take you 2 months to deliver, a System could deliver in 3 hours. 

Self-sustaining Systems is the reason why certain organisations appear to be more structured than others. 

Joseph proposed an economic System that sustained the economy of Egypt during the years of famine. 

Isaac dug wells: A system to supply his crops constant water even when there isn't any rainfall. 

There two kinds of people in the market place: There are those who run around to chase money, and there are those who settle down to build Systems that attracts money. 
Don't pay attention to the cash-flow rather pay attention to the System. 

"Prepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in the field; and afterwards build thine house" Pro. 24:27 KJV

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 8 November 2017


You know, I have heard of people who can't stand criticism from either fellow competitors or from spectators. The truth is, that is life for you. There are those that will never like you, regardless of what you say or do, they just don't like your face. So, it is of no use trying to prepare a 'defence speech' neither should you feel bad for yourself. 

The painful part is, some potentially great dreams have been lost because those who had the dreams could not withstand criticism. Friends, it is your dream and in as much it is yours, ONLY YOU CAN PROTECT IT! 

If it means cutting off from certain 'do nothing and negative friends or relatives' - PLEASE PROTECT IT! If it means you stop watching certain shows, programs or even the News on TV- PLEASE PROTECT IT!

Friends, you better get ready to loose certain relationships, certain ties and certain hobbies; it's not because of you hate anyone nor you are feeling too special about yourself but for the demand that comes with the fulfilment of your dreams and purpose in life. 

Some people have lost brilliant opportunities not because they ain't qualified but because they lost their preparation time, practice time and rehearsal time to a 

1. Show on TV,
2. Some girl time hangout 
3. Boys night out

Anyone who does not have respect for your purpose and greatness in life is not qualified for a relationship. If they show little or no regard for your passion, you have no business chilling with them. 

Let's look at the beginning of Israel's problem which I think most of us can connect with.

...and the Children of Israel journeyed...600,000 on foot that were men...and A MIXED MULTITUDE went up also with them...Exodus 12:37-38 (KJV)

Let's see the same scripture in another translation:

...the Israelites moved on...600,000 on foot besides their dependents. There was also A CROWD OF RIFFRAFF TAGGING ALONG... Exodus 12:36-38 (The MSG) 

MIXED MULTITUDES (riffraff tagging along)

No wonder the journey was filled with so much negativity. 

How can they go up with a crowd of riffraff?

Do you remember Abraham and 'Lot' ?

The question is...

Have you been carrying a mixed multitude in the name of 'friends' from Work/Church/Childhood? 

Till when next we come your way keep PROTECTING IT.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Work It Now [WIN] Series: Episode 2

The New You: 

No one ever amounts to anything by remaining who they have always been. You can't be a good athlete without being in shape.

Friends, this "you" doesn't have the capacity to pursue that dream of yours. Why? 

This "you" is so fake and it has kept you from reality all these years. 

This is the "you" that goes to bed even when he doesn't feel sleepy but because it's night time...he spends two hours on the phone...and then later sleep for 8 hours. As though that wasn't enough, he still craves for 2 hours siesta in the afternoon. 

How many hours does this you cost you for sleeping in a day? You know the answer...

I'm going to keep it real, this "you" will have to die...yes, you heard me....If you will ever realise your dream...this "you" will have to die.

The you that loves to sleep when others are working, the you that wishes things will get easier, the you that believes you can pick a million dollars on the road someday; that you that calls really successful people lucky, the you that believes the Government is suppose to provide know that you. 

Does it surprise you Jesus told Nicodemus 

"Except a man be born again, He cannot see the Kingdom of God" Jn. 3:3 KJV

Every dream will dare you...every dream will place a daring demand on this "you"; 

you have a choice to keep "being yourself and lose your dream or you lose yourself and be your dream". 

It's time to die so you can wake-up to the reality of the demands of your dream. 


1. What are some of the things you are doing today, that is against your future? 
2. Attach Penalties to those behavioural patterns in question 1. 
3. Discuss 1 and 2 with someone who can help keep you disciplined. 

It's time to Work It Now...It's time to WIN. 

Good morning and Happy Mid-Week!