Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Work It Now [WIN] Series: Episode 2

The New You: 

No one ever amounts to anything by remaining who they have always been. You can't be a good athlete without being in shape.

Friends, this "you" doesn't have the capacity to pursue that dream of yours. Why? 

This "you" is so fake and it has kept you from reality all these years. 

This is the "you" that goes to bed even when he doesn't feel sleepy but because it's night time...he spends two hours on the phone...and then later sleep for 8 hours. As though that wasn't enough, he still craves for 2 hours siesta in the afternoon. 

How many hours does this you cost you for sleeping in a day? You know the answer...

I'm going to keep it real, this "you" will have to die...yes, you heard me....If you will ever realise your dream...this "you" will have to die.

The you that loves to sleep when others are working, the you that wishes things will get easier, the you that believes you can pick a million dollars on the road someday; that you that calls really successful people lucky, the you that believes the Government is suppose to provide jobs...you know that you. 

Does it surprise you Jesus told Nicodemus 

"Except a man be born again, He cannot see the Kingdom of God" Jn. 3:3 KJV

Every dream will dare you...every dream will place a daring demand on this "you"; 

you have a choice to keep "being yourself and lose your dream or you lose yourself and be your dream". 

It's time to die so you can wake-up to the reality of the demands of your dream. 


1. What are some of the things you are doing today, that is against your future? 
2. Attach Penalties to those behavioural patterns in question 1. 
3. Discuss 1 and 2 with someone who can help keep you disciplined. 

It's time to Work It Now...It's time to WIN. 

Good morning and Happy Mid-Week!

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