Wednesday, 1 November 2017


The race of life comes one inch at a time; there are those who stay in the race just for the records and there are those who want to win the race; both parties think differently and hence they commit to different types of discipline.  

The question here is, are you just in the race FOR THE RECORDS or are you in the race so as TO WIN? 

In other to win in whatever race you find yourself, be it financial, career, spiritual or marital, all you need to do is to stay ahead of your competition. Competition does not suggest some other person in the race, it simply suggest staying ahead of what you consider your best. If 100% seem to be your best, stay ahead by giving 110%. You need to become your own competition. 

Someone said, it is not easy...Yes! I wish I could tell you living average is easy, I wish I could tell you being an underachiever is easy. Friends, there is always a price to pay, whether you want to live average or you want to be great. The only difference is one price comes before the other. 

When you live easy, life will turn our hard but when you commit to seemingly hard but rewarding disciplines, your life will turn out easy. 

If you choose to live average, you would enjoy pleasures today and get the pain tomorrow. If you choose to live great, you will get the pain today and have endless pleasure tomorrow. 

So in whatever way you look at it, you must pay something for whatever you decide to do. 

How do I then stay ahead of the Competition?

Get tough on yourself! Place the demand of greatness on yourself! Great people are ordinary people who just seem to put great demands on themselves and average people are ordinary people with average demands on themselves. 

Can you imagine an orange juice without the process of 'squeezing' of the juice? Can you imagine keeping fit without going through the rigors of exercising and working out? It is time to stay ahead of your competition. It is time to leave your average lifestyle and aspire for something more than average. 

You would amaze yourself if only you knew, how much of your potential that could be realised by placing great demands on your self. 

Paul Said:

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown....therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly...I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize... 1Corinth. 9:25-28 (NIV)

Paul said, 'I strike a blow to my body...that I will not be disqualified for the prize'

It is time to place new demands on yourself...demands to make you stay ahead.

Do you feel overweight? Place a new demand on your lifestyle that would empower your being fit.

Do you feel financially down? Place a new demand on yourself for services that can generate income.

Are you struggling with that subject? Place a demand on yourself that would increase the number of hours you study which will in turn address the challenging areas of the subject. 

No matter what you do, do not just be in the race...STAY AHEAD of the competition and you can only do so, by placing the relevant demand as it applies to your objective. 

Till when next you visit this blog, place a demand on yourself FOR GREATNESS and NOT FOR BEING AVERAGE!

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