Wednesday, 22 November 2017


...For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mothers' womb; and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men; and there be eunuchs, which HAVE MADE THEMSELVES eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake... Matt. 19:12 KJV

Every glorious destiny will place a personal demand on its owner. It is therefore no coincidence that some will end up as huge successes and others end will up average. 

The 'c' part of the above text is so instructional. In every individual lies the power to make relevant changes for the sake of their dreams, purpose or goals. Success is deliberate and its pursuit is very intentional. No man can guess his way to any destination, neither can a driver assume a route to a location. 

The question is 'What are you making yourself'

A wise man once said, 'Failure to plan is planning to fail'. This simply implies that our activity or inactivity is a preparation for a destination or an outcome (positive or negative).

If a student studies, S/he is planning to pass their exams and if a student refuses to study, S/he is also planning to fail their exams.

If you decide to read one book a month, listen to tapes and CDs relevant to your assignment, What would you have made yourself in the next one year in relation to your dreams?

If you decide to work-out 30 minutes a day for the next 6 months and keep an eye on your diet, What would you have made yourself in relation to your fitness dreams?

If you keep listening to those who have failed marriages and relationship by keeping them as close allies, watch it, your relationship might just be on its way down. Interestingly, this is a circle I have witnessed a lot of times.

Those who push for higher degrees and Diplomas, if you look closely, their inner circle is filled with friends/family members with the same goals or have achieved the same goal.

Those (men and women) who eventually walked out of their marriages, most times have been in close ties with people who don't have value for qualitative family life, this could be through direct contact or TV Shows. 

It's the same for a man who hits his wife and a woman who shows disrespect to her husband. 

What are you making yourself?

I charge you today, to start being conscious and aware of the lifestyle you lead. Some people desire to be financially stable but they keep engaging in unhealthy shopping lifestyles. Would their dreams be realised? Your guess is as good as mine. 


1. Keep your eyes continuously focused on the 'Kingdom of Heaven' (Your ultimate goal, vision, dreams and aspirations)

2. Consciously build habits that will enhance the actualisation of that Kingdom. 

The good news is, IT IS IN YOUR POWER to make the relevant changes you need. So why not accept personal responsibility and take charge of your destiny?

You will not fail!

Till when next we come your way...focus on YOUR KINGDOM.

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