Wednesday, 8 November 2017


You know, I have heard of people who can't stand criticism from either fellow competitors or from spectators. The truth is, that is life for you. There are those that will never like you, regardless of what you say or do, they just don't like your face. So, it is of no use trying to prepare a 'defence speech' neither should you feel bad for yourself. 

The painful part is, some potentially great dreams have been lost because those who had the dreams could not withstand criticism. Friends, it is your dream and in as much it is yours, ONLY YOU CAN PROTECT IT! 

If it means cutting off from certain 'do nothing and negative friends or relatives' - PLEASE PROTECT IT! If it means you stop watching certain shows, programs or even the News on TV- PLEASE PROTECT IT!

Friends, you better get ready to loose certain relationships, certain ties and certain hobbies; it's not because of you hate anyone nor you are feeling too special about yourself but for the demand that comes with the fulfilment of your dreams and purpose in life. 

Some people have lost brilliant opportunities not because they ain't qualified but because they lost their preparation time, practice time and rehearsal time to a 

1. Show on TV,
2. Some girl time hangout 
3. Boys night out

Anyone who does not have respect for your purpose and greatness in life is not qualified for a relationship. If they show little or no regard for your passion, you have no business chilling with them. 

Let's look at the beginning of Israel's problem which I think most of us can connect with.

...and the Children of Israel journeyed...600,000 on foot that were men...and A MIXED MULTITUDE went up also with them...Exodus 12:37-38 (KJV)

Let's see the same scripture in another translation:

...the Israelites moved on...600,000 on foot besides their dependents. There was also A CROWD OF RIFFRAFF TAGGING ALONG... Exodus 12:36-38 (The MSG) 

MIXED MULTITUDES (riffraff tagging along)

No wonder the journey was filled with so much negativity. 

How can they go up with a crowd of riffraff?

Do you remember Abraham and 'Lot' ?

The question is...

Have you been carrying a mixed multitude in the name of 'friends' from Work/Church/Childhood? 

Till when next we come your way keep PROTECTING IT.

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