Sunday, 26 November 2017


God created the universe in 6 days...and he rested on the seventh day but here is something I find very interesting about how God planned His work. 

First and foremost, God was self-employed; nobody was overseeing his work, neither was he reporting to anyone. Yet, from His personal concept of Personal Effectiveness, he successfully executed the all time Successful Project the world has ever known. 

Before creation, there was no system for timing or assessment for a day's work (but Guess what); God created light first and then he separated the light from the darkness; he called the light day and the darkness he called night and so he experienced morning and evening from the very first day (Gen. 1:3-5). 

So...God first established a system to measure his Personal Effectiveness before he went fully into doing the rest of the Project. 
Being all over the place, does not translate into being productive. Jumping from one task to another and attending endless meetings doesn't translate into having a productive day.

If you want to measure your Daily Personal Effectiveness, then...give yourself a scope of reference. Build a Monthly scope of work, and then from that come up with weekly work packages. 

When our Productivity is planned, then our progress can be measured. 

If you are not reporting to anyone, what will your day look like? How many work packages will you be closing out on a daily basis? 

God established a Night and Day system to measure his Personal Effectiveness, Schools run a semester/term system to measure theirs...What system are you creating to help measure and enhance your Personal Effectiveness?

Personal accountability is the foundation for Personal effectiveness.

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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