Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Work It Now [WIN] Series: Episode 1

Let's get to the basics: 

If you must be good with numbers, you must have mastered Numeracy skills. Before you know how to read a 7 digit number, you definitely must understand counting. 

To write a sentence, you need to know how to spell words but first you need to understand your Vowel sounds and Consonants but much more than that...is the need for you to know your Alphabets. 

I am asking the question: What are the alphabets of your dream? What are those basic fundamental skills you require if you must achieve what you have set out to achieve? 

If you are scared to pursue your dreams, it's not because they are difficult, but you simply lack or you have limited information about the very fundamentals as it applies to those dreams. 

If you copy what you see around...it's only a matter of time, you will be stuck. 

If you steal other people's ideas...it's just a matter of time, you will face challenges in that idea that will question your foundational knowledge of the alphabets of that business. 

It doesn't matter what you want to achieve, do first things first - learn the basics. 

The time you don't want to waste in learning today, you will soon waste even more time fixing a problem tomorrow. 

The biggest of structures is built by laying one brick at a time. 


1. What exactly do I want to achieve in the next quarter?

2. What are the "alphabets" of that goal? 

3. How much time do I want to commit daily to learning those alphabets. 

Remember there are 26 English alphabets; It's possible your Dream alphabets will not be less than 10 (fundamental skills/disciplines). 

It's time to Work It.

Good morning and Happy Mid-Week!

Monday, 30 October 2017

November Theme

Dear Friend, 

Congratulations and welcome to a brand new month; it doesn't matter where you have been or what issues you have got. If you are alive today and you are still breathing at this very moment you should be grateful. 

I'm doing this broadcast today because we are kicking off WIN Series tomorrow, but we also understand it is important for us to establish the theme for the new month irrespective of WIN series. 

Jesus established a very profound principle when he said in Mark 9:23 

"...ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE to him that believeth..."

Diligence is the Vehicle that can take you to your destination but BELIEVING is the oil that keeps the engine alive. Without the engine the oil is useless and without the oil, the engine will knock. 

All men work hard, but only a few men back that Hard-work with "BELIEVING" hence, only a few achieve the results they desire. 

Why not join us in the course of the new month as we discuss the theme, MAXIMISING YOUR HARDWORK. 

Congratulations once again and Happy New Month! 

Sunday, 29 October 2017


David was first a king as a shepherd boy, ruling and defending his father's cattle's before he became the King of Israel, ruling and defending his Heavenly father's children-Israel. 

Joseph was first a "Domestic Staff" for Potiphar, maximizing his Management skills before he became the "Chief Executive Staff" of Egypt. 

Whatever it is you claim you want to do or become, you can start doing the same at the very place and level you are today in your journey of life. 

All great footballers playing for any prestigious club in any top league today, once played football on the streets of their neighborhood, with passion, joy and so much excitement as though it was already a dream come through. 

It's easy to say David miraculously defeated Goliath; but what was a sling doing in his hand? How come he already had stones on him? Is it not obvious, that David was used to slinging for fun as part of his shepherd boy hobbies? He has so mastered the art, he could turn down Saul's armour and rather relied on his slinging mastery.  
You want to be a fashion designer; begin to draw designs on old newspapers....enjoy it at that level, do it with a sense of pride. 

You want to be an international business man, start rendering little services today; think about little needs you can meet at a fee, right now at the level you are. 

I always say...you don't need branding to begin. If you see a problem, jump in there...show them you can fix it...and you are already in business. Those whose problems you have solved, will do your advertising campaign. 

Be careful of "ego" it will keep you grounded for life. 

You see, a man of ego will have problems selling "water", he will hide from his neighbours, he will rather employ someone to do it; 
but a passionate man will knock on his neighbour's door "I'm in the business of making water available" how can I serve you today?

Do not despise the days of little beginnings. 

Don't allow your ego get in the way of you taking small steps today in the direction of your dreams. 

Drive your Dreams.

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 25 October 2017


An Iroko tree will never grow half the size less than it was supposed to grow. Water bodies flow maximally, sometimes they so flow that they cause flooding. Think about time for just a second, it does not stop, I call it the dedicated workman. You can choose to party or go for funeral, work or sleep, make progress with your task or whine...TIME WILL NEVER STOP being TIME. 

For some strange reasons only human beings live life but not to its full potential; and to think we are the only creation that was made in the likeness of God, makes me even wonder more. Just imagine God's potential and imagine the potential of another being (you and I) created in His image? 

The question is ARE YOU MAXIMISING YOUR LIFE or are you living less than you were created for? 

If you die today, can we fully list out what's going down the grave with you? The things, you were too lazy to birth for the benefit of the world? The Industries? The Medical Centres? The Schools? The Businesses? The Books? Ideas that were never explored? etc. 

But the question is not when we die...the question is by the time you retire for the day, could you confidently say I fully unveiled my potential for today? 


Friends, it begins from now...empty yourself daily. Don't go to bed with daily potentials that were never maximised. Let me say this, PROCRASTINATION IS A MYTH...it doesn't exist. How? Every day has a potential, moving things forward (procrastinating) simply means you are living your yesterday in your today. There can only be one December 1st 2013, doing December 1st related business on December 2nd 2013, is you loosing one day of the month/your life. 
It's time to MAXIMISE YOUR LIFE!  

Jesus said
...but I have a baptism to be baptised with and how AM I STRAITENED TILL IT BE ACCOMPLISHED! Luke 12:50

No wonder 33 years OF STRAITENED LIFESTYLE is today still imparting the world after over 2000 years. 

You too can out live your existence. Start MAXIMISING YOUR LIFE!

Sunday, 22 October 2017


A baby requires milk at birth and then graduates to solid food after some months. You don't use a Safety Helmet as a Baseball cap, neither can you drive a ship on a motorway.

What does your dream require and what are you feeding it? What environment does your dream require to blossom, what environment are you creating. 

It's not enough to have a dream, it's not enough to know what you want...if you aren't feeding your dream right...that dream will never see the light of day. It's okay to do something but it's even more important to do the appropriate thing. 

Are you suppose to be working out 5 times a week and you are just doing 3 times a week?

Are you suppose to be studying for 3  hours a day and you are just studying for an hour a day?

Are you suppose to be saving 30% of your income monthly and you can barely save 10%? 

There is no such thing as, I have done my best...if you are not giving it what is required, you aren't giving your best. 

You cannot short change the process. 

You can try to talk everyone to believing you are doing your best...but the process will find you out.

Stop waiting and expecting to be congratulated when this is something you are supposed to be doing; Whose dream is it by the way? So, who else was suppose to be doing the work? 

If you are suppose to dial an 11 digit number, and you dial just 10 digits correctly...you will never reach your destination. Stop looking for short cuts. 
If you claim you want it so bad, then commit FULLY to the price.

Don't complain about the results you didn't get by the work you didn't complete. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 18 October 2017


...I press toward THE MARK for THE PRIZE...Phil. 3:14

Has it ever come across your mind that certain items in the market NEVER GOES ON SALE? The prices are fixed all year round. Just like the saying goes "to every PRIZE there is a PRICE". 


There is always A SPECIFIC PRESS POINT (THE MARK) for every level of success we desire to attain in whatever area of life. Therefore if we desire the ultimate prize then it is expected we press to the mark. 

There is a MARK of discipline and PRACTICE that would produce an Olympic Gold medalist. There is a MARK of hard work that will deliver a specific level of outcome in Business. 

The pain of pursuit is not failure, the pain of pursuit is finishing a few inches BEFORE THE MARK. 

What is your goal today (this month, this quarter)? Have you thought about the MARK you need to Press towards to deliver that goal? 

If you are pretty honest with yourself, there is nothing like "luck" that births greatness it's simply a function of PRESSING TO THE REQUIRED MARK. 

Have you ever missed a train? The train was scheduled to leave by 5:28p.m. (THE MARK) and  if you can be honest, although you ran, sprinted, pushed everyone, tripped and stood up, you couldn't get in because you MISSED THE MARK. 


You can choose to have your mark, but if your mark does not equal or beat THE MARK, you will not hit your target. 

Every first class student knew from the start, that it will take minimum 6 hours of uninterrupted dedicated studying (THE MARK), to deliver their PRIZE (graduating with a first). So, they ignored lazy philosophies that say "it is not by reading too much" or "are you the only one studying"? 

Every one who wanted their faith to produce knew from the start that , they must have ABSOLUTE (THE MARK) FAITH in GOD. 

THE MARK for a great home is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and UNCONDITIONAL SUBMISSION, any thing short of that...I guarantee "you will miss the train".

Let's see what God said to Cain, when he went grumbling...


Not just doing but DOING WELL...DOING WELL...DOING WELL. 

Till when next you visit this blog KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE MARK not your mark but THE MARK!

Sunday, 15 October 2017


A wise man once said 

"Success is a journey and not a destination". 

This journey is not validated by speed but by progress. 

Between your current location (situation) and your intended destination (dream) is a specific distance. How soon you will get there, is not down to your "Uncle" not down to your "rich friends" not down to your "connection"...No! 

You are the one who desires a change...you are the one with that intended destination as a goal...and so it's your distance to cover. It's all yours!

People can wish you well but your distance is yours to cover. An athlete can be cheered from the stands but his cheer leaders would not take his position on the tracks. 

It's important you start to think about "dream miles". 

Your dream and your plan might be so nice and attractive on paper; and yes, it is good you got it on your dream wall...but until you start doing your "dream miles" daily, that dream will only exist on a paper and on a wall. 

A "zero dream mile" covered in 3 months, implies you have been at the same spot for 3 months. 

In the past 48 hours, how many "dream miles" have you covered and how many "dream miles" are you committed to covering today? 

Don't let any day end with you owing yourself some  "dream miles". 
Do you want to lose weight? Do your ''dream miles''. 

Do you want to build your Business? Do your ''dream miles''. 
Do you want a great relationship with your partner? Do your ''dream miles''. 

The man you see at the top, didn't just arrive there over night....

Do Your "Dream Miles". 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 11 October 2017


 Have you ever imagined getting to the bus station and for the first time, you met a bus and on the screen where destinations are supposed to be displayed it reads "going no where" would you get on that bus? 

I tell you the truth, the same way you would walk away from that bus, is the same way most intending passengers (who are going some where) would walk away from it too. 

Your sense of mission will attract resources, people and opportunities towards your direction. Your life is like a bus and you are the pilot of this bus, but the question is "where exactly are you going"? What are you passionately and consciously chasing after? 
A restaurant will attract those who are hungry.
A school will attract those who want to study.
A Gymnasium would attract those who love to keep fit. 

Look around you and the type of people you attract, does it resonate with your sense of mission? 

It's time to live passionately in accordance with your mission. 

The resources and every thing you are looking for is tied to this. You don't get rewarded for sitting down, neither are you rewarded for lack of clarity of purpose. 

You are rewarded for going somewhere and the clearer the destination, the more resources opportunities you attract. 

Ruth's sense of mission restored her marital destiny. 

...when she (Naomi) saw that she (Ruth) was steadfastly minded (sense of mission) to go with her...Ruth 1:18

Jesus had a strong sense of mission, no wonder he always had crowds following and staying with him for days. 
What's your mission for today?

What's your mission for this week?
What's your mission for this month?
What's your mission for this quarter?

Start committing passionately to what your answers are for the above questions and watch resources and opportunities come knocking on your door. 

Be mindful to avoid distractions...a Wiseman once said, "don't allow 'the good' distract you from 'the best'.

Till when next you visit this blog, KEEP WORKING WITH A SENSE OF MISSION!

Sunday, 8 October 2017


 Just before Israel would take over Canaan, God asked Moses to send some spies to spy the land; beyond the strategic purpose for this exercise, it was important for Israel to have a clear definition of the characteristics of the land they seek. 

In the pursuit of our goals, dreams or vision it is important we have a clear definition of what we are seeking. How does your vision look? How does it feel? How does it taste, smell, etc. 

If you see what you are seeking...would you be able to recognize it? 

When Joseph saw his fellow inmates who worked for Pharoah...I presume he must have felt some degree of closeness to living his dreams. Hence he knew what to say to them. 

When David visited his brothers at the battle field, and he saw Goliath, he recognised his opportunity was nigh. 

The servant of Abraham was clear about whom he was seeking, and when Rebekah came along he could recognise her. 

Success is not a function of guess work; no one arrives at their dream destination unconsciously. 

How would you know you are close to what you seek? How abreast are you with the facts of your vision? 

Pilots are so abreast with the facts of the flight, that they tell you what weather conditions to expect, and an estimated duration of the flight. 

What are your dream landmarks?  

Every Building Project is carried out by using the Architectural Design as its Construction Reference. 

In the pursuit of your Dream, what are some of the Milestones you can use to measure the progress you have made so far?

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 4 October 2017


As a very active child whiles growing up, I love to play a lot. I always looked forward to the next half term holiday and the next end of term holiday. It was so interesting because right from the first day of the term, I will ask my older sister about the closing date of the term and from then on, the count down begins. 

One day, the long vacation just began and I woke up very excited knowing I had 8 solid weeks to play; my sister got into the room and said to me "I know it is your right to play out the whole holiday because it is a holiday but when you get to the last day of the holiday, what would you reflect on as an achievement during this 8 week period"? 

We both saw the same thing but interpreted it differently. One of the fundamental differences between an achiever and a non achiever is "interpretation". They both have the same challenges, faced with probably the same economic circumstance but their independent interpretation of their situation is what informs what actions they both take. 

When you LOOK (vision) at a challenge, circumstance or situation, "what do you SEE (interpretation)"?

Jesus was told of a girl who was dead, in response he said, "she is asleep" Matt. 9:24

David was before Goliath, whiles everyone was scared because they saw a giant, David was excited because he saw "a bird", no wonder he told Saul, "I don't need all of your armoury, a bird only needs a sling and a stone". I Sam. 17:39

Have you just lost your job? What do you SEE?

Are you having any difficulty with your wife? What do you SEE?

Does it seem like your pay cheque is not good enough? What do you SEE? 

...but be transformed, BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND... Rom. 12:2


Till when next you visit this blog, PAY ATTENTION TO HOW YOU SEE (interpret) what you look!

Sunday, 1 October 2017


Between every location and an intended destination is a distance. A distance that must be covered if you actually desire to move from your current location to your intended destination. 

Although this distance appears to be physical...you need to Mentally go the distance before it can physically materialise in your world. 

This distance is underscored by Work, Sacrifice, Sweat, Focus, Dedication and everything between. 

I need you to lock that dream down mentally: When you do, hard work no longer looks tasking because mentally you already finished the work. 

Friends, don't try to begin a move you haven't finished already. Don't try to go a distance you haven't finished...because in all fairness, you will not complete it. 

Your body cannot stretch beyond your mental vision of how the body is meant to stretch for a given task. 

I need you to mentally see that dream as already achieved. If you lock that image mentally...you will never miss that dream. 

When you act unsure, the dream is not locked-in; when the work demands of your goal wearies you, that dream is not locked-in. 

The difference between an achiever (A) and an underachiever (UA) is simple....

(A) sees the dream as already achieved (mentally) and then he goes to work...whereas the other, (UA) sees the dream as a "to-do" before he goes to work. 

When challenges come up...(A) sticks to his game...because he already saw the dream as achieved while (UA) suspends the dream because to him it's on his "to-do" list. 

What do you now say about your dream? 

"Done" or a "To-Do"?

For as a man thinks in his heart...so is he. Not so he shall be...but...so is he. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!