Sunday, 29 October 2017


David was first a king as a shepherd boy, ruling and defending his father's cattle's before he became the King of Israel, ruling and defending his Heavenly father's children-Israel. 

Joseph was first a "Domestic Staff" for Potiphar, maximizing his Management skills before he became the "Chief Executive Staff" of Egypt. 

Whatever it is you claim you want to do or become, you can start doing the same at the very place and level you are today in your journey of life. 

All great footballers playing for any prestigious club in any top league today, once played football on the streets of their neighborhood, with passion, joy and so much excitement as though it was already a dream come through. 

It's easy to say David miraculously defeated Goliath; but what was a sling doing in his hand? How come he already had stones on him? Is it not obvious, that David was used to slinging for fun as part of his shepherd boy hobbies? He has so mastered the art, he could turn down Saul's armour and rather relied on his slinging mastery.  
You want to be a fashion designer; begin to draw designs on old newspapers....enjoy it at that level, do it with a sense of pride. 

You want to be an international business man, start rendering little services today; think about little needs you can meet at a fee, right now at the level you are. 

I always don't need branding to begin. If you see a problem, jump in them you can fix it...and you are already in business. Those whose problems you have solved, will do your advertising campaign. 

Be careful of "ego" it will keep you grounded for life. 

You see, a man of ego will have problems selling "water", he will hide from his neighbours, he will rather employ someone to do it; 
but a passionate man will knock on his neighbour's door "I'm in the business of making water available" how can I serve you today?

Do not despise the days of little beginnings. 

Don't allow your ego get in the way of you taking small steps today in the direction of your dreams. 

Drive your Dreams.

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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