Wednesday, 11 October 2017


 Have you ever imagined getting to the bus station and for the first time, you met a bus and on the screen where destinations are supposed to be displayed it reads "going no where" would you get on that bus? 

I tell you the truth, the same way you would walk away from that bus, is the same way most intending passengers (who are going some where) would walk away from it too. 

Your sense of mission will attract resources, people and opportunities towards your direction. Your life is like a bus and you are the pilot of this bus, but the question is "where exactly are you going"? What are you passionately and consciously chasing after? 
A restaurant will attract those who are hungry.
A school will attract those who want to study.
A Gymnasium would attract those who love to keep fit. 

Look around you and the type of people you attract, does it resonate with your sense of mission? 

It's time to live passionately in accordance with your mission. 

The resources and every thing you are looking for is tied to this. You don't get rewarded for sitting down, neither are you rewarded for lack of clarity of purpose. 

You are rewarded for going somewhere and the clearer the destination, the more resources opportunities you attract. 

Ruth's sense of mission restored her marital destiny. 

...when she (Naomi) saw that she (Ruth) was steadfastly minded (sense of mission) to go with her...Ruth 1:18

Jesus had a strong sense of mission, no wonder he always had crowds following and staying with him for days. 
What's your mission for today?

What's your mission for this week?
What's your mission for this month?
What's your mission for this quarter?

Start committing passionately to what your answers are for the above questions and watch resources and opportunities come knocking on your door. 

Be mindful to avoid distractions...a Wiseman once said, "don't allow 'the good' distract you from 'the best'.

Till when next you visit this blog, KEEP WORKING WITH A SENSE OF MISSION!

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