Wednesday, 4 October 2017


As a very active child whiles growing up, I love to play a lot. I always looked forward to the next half term holiday and the next end of term holiday. It was so interesting because right from the first day of the term, I will ask my older sister about the closing date of the term and from then on, the count down begins. 

One day, the long vacation just began and I woke up very excited knowing I had 8 solid weeks to play; my sister got into the room and said to me "I know it is your right to play out the whole holiday because it is a holiday but when you get to the last day of the holiday, what would you reflect on as an achievement during this 8 week period"? 

We both saw the same thing but interpreted it differently. One of the fundamental differences between an achiever and a non achiever is "interpretation". They both have the same challenges, faced with probably the same economic circumstance but their independent interpretation of their situation is what informs what actions they both take. 

When you LOOK (vision) at a challenge, circumstance or situation, "what do you SEE (interpretation)"?

Jesus was told of a girl who was dead, in response he said, "she is asleep" Matt. 9:24

David was before Goliath, whiles everyone was scared because they saw a giant, David was excited because he saw "a bird", no wonder he told Saul, "I don't need all of your armoury, a bird only needs a sling and a stone". I Sam. 17:39

Have you just lost your job? What do you SEE?

Are you having any difficulty with your wife? What do you SEE?

Does it seem like your pay cheque is not good enough? What do you SEE? 

...but be transformed, BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND... Rom. 12:2


Till when next you visit this blog, PAY ATTENTION TO HOW YOU SEE (interpret) what you look!

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