Sunday, 15 October 2017


A wise man once said 

"Success is a journey and not a destination". 

This journey is not validated by speed but by progress. 

Between your current location (situation) and your intended destination (dream) is a specific distance. How soon you will get there, is not down to your "Uncle" not down to your "rich friends" not down to your "connection"...No! 

You are the one who desires a are the one with that intended destination as a goal...and so it's your distance to cover. It's all yours!

People can wish you well but your distance is yours to cover. An athlete can be cheered from the stands but his cheer leaders would not take his position on the tracks. 

It's important you start to think about "dream miles". 

Your dream and your plan might be so nice and attractive on paper; and yes, it is good you got it on your dream wall...but until you start doing your "dream miles" daily, that dream will only exist on a paper and on a wall. 

A "zero dream mile" covered in 3 months, implies you have been at the same spot for 3 months. 

In the past 48 hours, how many "dream miles" have you covered and how many "dream miles" are you committed to covering today? 

Don't let any day end with you owing yourself some  "dream miles". 
Do you want to lose weight? Do your ''dream miles''. 

Do you want to build your Business? Do your ''dream miles''. 
Do you want a great relationship with your partner? Do your ''dream miles''. 

The man you see at the top, didn't just arrive there over night....

Do Your "Dream Miles". 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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