Sunday, 8 October 2017


 Just before Israel would take over Canaan, God asked Moses to send some spies to spy the land; beyond the strategic purpose for this exercise, it was important for Israel to have a clear definition of the characteristics of the land they seek. 

In the pursuit of our goals, dreams or vision it is important we have a clear definition of what we are seeking. How does your vision look? How does it feel? How does it taste, smell, etc. 

If you see what you are seeking...would you be able to recognize it? 

When Joseph saw his fellow inmates who worked for Pharoah...I presume he must have felt some degree of closeness to living his dreams. Hence he knew what to say to them. 

When David visited his brothers at the battle field, and he saw Goliath, he recognised his opportunity was nigh. 

The servant of Abraham was clear about whom he was seeking, and when Rebekah came along he could recognise her. 

Success is not a function of guess work; no one arrives at their dream destination unconsciously. 

How would you know you are close to what you seek? How abreast are you with the facts of your vision? 

Pilots are so abreast with the facts of the flight, that they tell you what weather conditions to expect, and an estimated duration of the flight. 

What are your dream landmarks?  

Every Building Project is carried out by using the Architectural Design as its Construction Reference. 

In the pursuit of your Dream, what are some of the Milestones you can use to measure the progress you have made so far?

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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