Saturday, 30 September 2017


Dear Friend, 

Congratulations and welcome to a brand new month and welcome to the last quarter of this awesome year. 

Everything that is designed for motion, either on land, in Air or on water has a gear system; but no matter how specially designed the gears might be, if we must make any significant motion with such automobiles, we must have to DRIVE them.

Show me a car that is yet to gain motion, I will show you a car that is yet to be Driven. 

Your dreams and Visions are like well designed cars,  with the potential of being realised. But like it applies to all cars...such dreams and aspirations MUST BE DRIVEN. 

Why not join us this month as we discuss the theme, DRIVE YOUR DREAMS. 

Congratulations once again and Happy New Month! 

Wednesday, 27 September 2017


A wise man once said "if you do not like THE QUALITY OF THE HARVEST, check THE QUALITY OF THE SEED".

Our life is fundamentally what we make of it, it is not what the society makes of it as some would claim, it is not what our circumstances make of it, neither is it what those around us make of it. Everything God made responds to the law of sowing and reaping. 

Orange seeds will never produce Mango fruits.  If you sow seeds of Mediocrity, don't expect greatness. If you think and act like the poor, how would you emerge wealthy? By the way, how do the poor think, someone asks...POOR PEOPLE INVEST IN LIABILITIES, RICH PEOPLE INVESTS IN ASSETS. 

Liabilities take money out of your pocket CONTINUOUSLY, Assets put money in your pocket CONTINUOUSLY. 

The seed I want to be addressing today is THE QUALITY OF THOUGHT you put into what you do. 

Every great idea begins from a thought realm. The difference between an iPhone 5 and an iPhone 2 is basically the difference in the quality of thought process that goes into their level of production. 

Stop complaining about the outcomes in and around your life, start paying more attention to how you take the steps you take. Put some thought into it. 
Spontaneity a wise man said, is an action that lacks depth of thoughts but propelled by a desire for instant self gratification. 

Products can be improved because the processes are documented and thus reviewed once and again. 

Your thought life can not be greater than the quality of information you expose your mind to.    Zero exposure to relevant information, zero level of quality thoughts, which implies poor seeds which will result into poor out comes. 

I recently heard that AN AVERAGE BILLIONAIRE READS TWO BOOKS IN A WEEK. WOW! So, they basically renew their minds, to improve the quality of their thoughts (seeds). 

How many books have I finished in the past 90 days? What am I reading at the moment? 

This BOOK of the law, shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For THEN  YOU SHALL  MAKE THY WAY PROSPEROUS and YOU SHALL DEAL WISELY AND HAVE GOOD SUCCESS. Joshua 1:8 (The Amplified). all your seed sown (steps to be taken)

It's time for you to have Quality Harvest, till when next you visit this blog keep IMPROVING  THE QUALITY OF THE SEED!

Sunday, 24 September 2017


"...And we know that ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD to them that love God..." Rom. 8:28 KJV (Paraphrase are author's). 

It's important we learn to embrace adversity; because in times of adversity and change, we truly discover who we are. 

Had Joseph not embraced the Prison, he probably would not have been sensitive enough to relate with his inmates, who later turned out to be the link for his release. 

Had Ruth not embraced her widow hood, she wouldn't have been diligent enough to continuously do long hours in Boaz's farm for her to be noticed by Boaz. 

It doesn't matter, what the situation is at the moment, I dare you to embrace it and be proactive. 

Have you been fired, embrace your new economic status and be proactive; have you just lost an investment, embrace your new status and be proactive. 

Hardships they say, prepare ordinary people for extra ordinary destinies. 

You might not appreciate sound Financial Management until you go broke for a while and no one is coming for your rescue. 

There is a part of you that will never be realised until Pain and adversity dwell with you for a while. 

Sometimes pain is an instructional tool to correct certain degrees of deep seated foolishness you have been abiding by all along. 

Pain introduces you to a new school of discipline, which automatically empowers you to start cultivating certain principles that you will need for the days ahead. 

It's time to make the most of your pain; allow your pain to drive you into greatness not into pity party. 

Pain is a potential teacher, it is also a potential raw material with which to build a pleasurable future.

Until you embrace your pain and be proactive, you cannot successfully REDEFINE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 20 September 2017


At the root of every great accomplishment, is vision. Vision in this context implies one's ability to see (in their mind's eyes) the reality of their undertaking even before the pursuit begins. 

However between vision and the accomplishment of such great undertaking is PURSUIT. No one ever features in a future he/she is unwilling to pursue. Until pursuit is embarked upon, every vision becomes a fairytale. 

You will agree with me that not everyone who embarks on a pursuit gets through to the end. Some drop off by the way side due to personal circumstances and others probably just discovered the demands of the pursuit are greater than what they first assumed. 

What then is the achievers edge?

Achievers behave (walk, talk and act consciously) like 'it'.

Every achiever behaves his/her set goal/dream even before achieving them. They carry themselves like it is already in full manifestation.  It is this characteristic that empowers a successful pursuit. How? 

They are already at the end (in their minds eyes), hence committing to the demands of the pursuit becomes "easy" to them. 
It is easier to pursue what we see and the only proof we see it, will show in our behaving the end. Explaining the end is no proof you see it...writing it on your dream wall is no proof...BEHAVING "IT" is the only proof that you are already in synchronization with it. 

Jesus at age 12, was behaving what he will be 18 years later "HIS FATHER'S BUSINESS".He was behaving his future for 18 solid years before he eventually became it.  Lk. 2:42, 49.

David saw his victory over Goliath, all he cared about was the benefit that comes after the victory. As far as he was concerned, Goliath was already dead. 1 Sam. 17:26-27, 30. 

Hannah haven prayed earnestly about having a child...suddenly changed her countenance (behaving the answers to her prayer even before it came).  1 Sam. 1:18

What are you pursuing? What is that goal/dream/career objective that looks mega? It's time to see yourself walking in its reality. 

Your pursuit is only as good as the quality of your behaving the end. 

Do you desire healing? Start speaking and behaving like the healed.

Do you desire Financial breakthrough? Start behaving like one who has already broken through. Those who have broken through carry a giving mentality not a receiving mentality. It's time to change. 

Do you desire a peaceful home? Let it show in how you treat your spouse and children. Treat your spouse honourably without minding how they treat you, Why? Because you are seeing them in the future state and so ignore their current short comings. Bring their faults to them in respect and bury it after that moment FOREVER. 

When God sees you, he sees you in your future. He told Abram: 

...but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father (even if his present circumstance seems contrary) of many nations (not a family, not a clan, not a district, not even one nation) have I MADE (past perfect tense) thee. Gen. 17:5 
What did Abraham do? He started entertaining people on the street...he began to see himself as a father of NOT JUST his household but nations. Gen. 18:1-8.

It's time to start behaving your set goal. YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BECOME WHAT YOU BEHAVE. Bad habits don't jump on people, it starts by behavioural patterns, which now becomes a habit and later people say that is his/her character. 



Sunday, 17 September 2017


Over the years, I have come to observe something very common with all great achievers; Prior to the belief system, the sacrifice, prior to the prayers and corresponding hard-work is the consciousness that...

I deserve this...I am eligible for this...

This is a consciousness they maintain irrespective of their background or current circumstance. 

It is true, 

"To him that knocketh, it shall be opened" Matt. 7:7-8

However, your sense of deservedness and eligibility determines the size and the quality of doors you knock on.

Let me say this....sometimes you can't afford to wait for society to validate your eligibility for greatness; you can't afford to wait for family, or loved ones. 

You need to determine your candidacy because in all deserve whatsoever it is you desire. 

No body would have considered David, as a match to Goliath; no one would have promoted that sort of match, even his brothers were not in support...but David by himself promoted his title match against Goliath until king Saul sent for him. 

He was sold into slavery, became a chief steward in the house of a Politician, accused falsely and then ended up in prison...yet, Joseph's sense of "eligibility for greatness" was not lost. 

He still promoted himself and asked to be introduced to Pharaoh should the occasion arise. 

Until you consider yourself won't be able. Ability goes where the "sense of eligibility" goes.

It is your sense of deservedness that guarantees your reservation. 

Stop dying in self pity and self condemnation. You messed up... so what? 

Get back up...Try again!
Only those with Top self esteem make it to the top...and you can guess where low self esteem will end you.

I don't care how many rejections you have didn't lose anything, they just missed their opportunity to partner with your greatness. 

If your situation must turn around, then, I need you to believe you are worth that new level. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 13 September 2017


As children most of struggled with the multiplication table (Tables 2 to 12). Personally, I only got to master it when I was 13 years old. How did that happen? 
I was privileged to have an academic mentor who oversaw my learning. I didn't study anything new, he only made me DO THEM REPEATEDLY FOR LENGTHY HOURS (minimum 4 hours study after school and 8 hours study during weekends). Initially, I grumbled and complained but I always completed ALL THE WORK (academic) given to me. 

One day, he said to me "KNOWLEDGE IS IN THREE LEVELS"

1. Acquisition of Knowledge 

2. Understanding of the Knowledge acquired 

3. Mastery of Knowledge (applied knowledge)

He told me most people who claim they know, are most times on level 1. Very few, manage to get up to level 2. He continued by saying there is only one principle to change from one level to the next.

The truth is, I left secondary school as a Mathematics Authority (at that level), no need to say how my school in my time worn trophies in Maths Quizzes. I Finished and immediately started making earnings as a Private Maths Tutor at age 17.

You can have a skill, a gifting or a calling...but until you commit to lengthy hours of Practice, it will not speak. 

Check all sports men who make headlines, find out about their WORK ETHIC. I will tell you what you will see...UNTIRING DEDICATION TO PRACTICE...PRACTICE...PRACTICE! 

Do you want to be the best in your field?

Do you want to be a global authority in your discipline?

PRACTICE is the master key! 
There is NOTHING impossible to learn. It's a question of, how much we want to commit to the Practice of it. 

Hear Paul's advice to a young Preacher...

...till (continuously devote) I come, give attendance to reading...neglect (fail not to practice) not the gift that is in thee...meditate upon these things...GIVE THYSELF WHOLLY TO THEM...that thy profiting (success) may appear unto ALL (global success). 1 Tim. 4:13-15

How much time do you really devote to your skill? The above text suggests: GIVE YOURSELF WHOLLY...

It's time for the world to come to your business address. It is time your voice gets heard. The choice and the decision is yours.

What's your Practice and how have you been Practicing?

Till when next you visit this blog, KEEP PRACTICING!

Sunday, 10 September 2017


The strength and complexity of any challenge is only as determined by the "goggles" from which you view them. 

[Goggles in this context refers to your paradigm/perspective about things]. 

A problem-magnifying "goggle" has only one function - to blow the size of situations and circumstances out of proportion. It so magnifies the  situation that over time it has a reverse effect on the assessment of your self image. 

So the bigger the situation appears, the smaller you appear to yourself. 

Another critical step to redefining your circumstance is to CHANGE YOUR PAIR OF GOGGLES. 

HOW YOU SEE a challenge is critical to how you will describe the challenge and will ultimately determine how you will approach the challenge. 

Perspective is Powerful. 

12 spies went to view Canaan, they all saw the same facts but viewed from 2 sets of Goggles: 

1. Problem-Magnifying Goggle (10 spies used this pair)

2. Problem-Miniaturising Goggle (Joshua and Caleb)

Ruth and Orpah were both widows - same circumstance. Naomi presented the same goggle (problem-magnifying) to the young widows to view their circumstance. Orpah bought it...and left, Ruth had a different set of goggles through which she viewed, hence she stayed. 

Be careful with whom you share your challenges with...some people are not counselors (age is not synonymous to Wisdom), some people are Problem-Magnifying goggles personified. 

So, what is your challenge? What pair of goggles are you looking through? 

Have you ever heard or used the expression "I'm just being REAL here"? 

The only REAL definition of a  situation is the definition that empowers you to solve it. 

Everyone saw a woman who had committed adultery..."the biggest of sins" - religiously speaking; Jesus saw everyone as equal sinners - EQUATING ALL SINS as the same. 

Their perspective was to kill a life, Jesus' perspective was to save all lives. 

Depression is you seeing your situation deeper than it actually is. 

Your Perspective...Your Choice. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 6 September 2017


 As a growing up child, my older sister used to always have a fight with me to clean up my corner...and this was a big struggle for me because I felt, it doesn't matter in as much as I wore nice clothes and took 1st position in my class. But she said something...


I asked why? She said, "out there, everyone is trying to give an impression because of eyes that watch, but who you are under less supervision is who you really are". So, everyone might call you wonderful kid because you performed well at school but I will tell them your corner is always untidy. 

Then, I had to change...was she mean? No! She thought me a basic principle: 

Let's look at the following scripture:

O Lord our Lord, How EXCELLENT is YOUR NAME in ALL THE EARTH...Psalms 8:1

Is God only excellent in Asia?
Is God only excellent in America?
I think he is doing phenomenal in Europe and average in Africa, what do you think? 

From the above text, God (his name) is excellent IN ALL the EARTH. 

It is about time we pursue all round excellence. If you don't get a pay cheque, would you show up on time? If not for your exams would you still spend time to read? 
Don't try to produce excellent outcomes...NO! BE EXCELLENT. Pay or no pay, recognition or no recognition, BE EXCELLENT!

Make a conscious effort to pursue excellence in EVERY area of your life. Now at work, because we get paid to perform even when there is a challenge or problem...we sit down, think and come up with solutions...and at home we walk away from unwashed dishes. 

I know we are all doing well "outside" it is time to do well "inside". Women submit to very ridiculous bosses at work yet they can't honour their husbands at home. Men speak respectfully  to their female bosses at work and yet at home they treat their wives with disregard. 

The pattern has to change.

Make a conscious decision to pursue ALL ROUND EXCELLENCE. 

I (your name), today make a renewed commitment to myself in the pursuit of all-round excellence even as my father in heaven.

I shall commit to an excellent lifestyle in ALL I do irrespective of appraisal or not. I simply choose to BE EXCELLENT.

In Jesus name! Amen!

Till when next you visit this blog...MAKE EXCELLENCE A LIFESTYLE!

Sunday, 3 September 2017


The strength or complexity of any challenge is only as described by you. 

Your challenge is not special, you called it special. Your situation is not impossible, you called it impossible. 

Someone is saying "but that was what the Consultant said"...A specialist verdict is only a professional opinion about the situation, you still have a choice to agree or not to agree with the Consultant. 

You see, to fully overcome any challenge, you need a Powerful Mental Stance against that challenge; I didn't say, harness resources or go and prepare for it...No! First of all...change your mental positioning about the problem. 

Your Mentality has to be switched to a frequency where you see the challenge from a height of 30,000 feet and the challenge is below you. When you operate at this realm mentally, your language is affected. You use a different set of Adjective to describe the situation. Infact, sometimes you no longer see it; and the best part of it is that, your creativity comes alive.

If you see your Challenge from your eye will be overwhelmed by fear; when fear sets in, it paralyses your capacity to think creatively. 

Everybody saw a Giant in Goliath, David saw a bird. How do I know? You use slings and stones for birds not for giants. 

If you don't win Mentally, You can't win Physically. 

Whatever exists in your Mental space, will soon exist in your reality. 

You are not in lack because you lack are in lack because lack exists in your Mentality. 

If victory must be guaranteed, your Mental Stance has to change. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!