Wednesday, 20 September 2017


At the root of every great accomplishment, is vision. Vision in this context implies one's ability to see (in their mind's eyes) the reality of their undertaking even before the pursuit begins. 

However between vision and the accomplishment of such great undertaking is PURSUIT. No one ever features in a future he/she is unwilling to pursue. Until pursuit is embarked upon, every vision becomes a fairytale. 

You will agree with me that not everyone who embarks on a pursuit gets through to the end. Some drop off by the way side due to personal circumstances and others probably just discovered the demands of the pursuit are greater than what they first assumed. 

What then is the achievers edge?

Achievers behave (walk, talk and act consciously) like 'it'.

Every achiever behaves his/her set goal/dream even before achieving them. They carry themselves like it is already in full manifestation.  It is this characteristic that empowers a successful pursuit. How? 

They are already at the end (in their minds eyes), hence committing to the demands of the pursuit becomes "easy" to them. 
It is easier to pursue what we see and the only proof we see it, will show in our behaving the end. Explaining the end is no proof you see it...writing it on your dream wall is no proof...BEHAVING "IT" is the only proof that you are already in synchronization with it. 

Jesus at age 12, was behaving what he will be 18 years later "HIS FATHER'S BUSINESS".He was behaving his future for 18 solid years before he eventually became it.  Lk. 2:42, 49.

David saw his victory over Goliath, all he cared about was the benefit that comes after the victory. As far as he was concerned, Goliath was already dead. 1 Sam. 17:26-27, 30. 

Hannah haven prayed earnestly about having a child...suddenly changed her countenance (behaving the answers to her prayer even before it came).  1 Sam. 1:18

What are you pursuing? What is that goal/dream/career objective that looks mega? It's time to see yourself walking in its reality. 

Your pursuit is only as good as the quality of your behaving the end. 

Do you desire healing? Start speaking and behaving like the healed.

Do you desire Financial breakthrough? Start behaving like one who has already broken through. Those who have broken through carry a giving mentality not a receiving mentality. It's time to change. 

Do you desire a peaceful home? Let it show in how you treat your spouse and children. Treat your spouse honourably without minding how they treat you, Why? Because you are seeing them in the future state and so ignore their current short comings. Bring their faults to them in respect and bury it after that moment FOREVER. 

When God sees you, he sees you in your future. He told Abram: 

...but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father (even if his present circumstance seems contrary) of many nations (not a family, not a clan, not a district, not even one nation) have I MADE (past perfect tense) thee. Gen. 17:5 
What did Abraham do? He started entertaining people on the street...he began to see himself as a father of NOT JUST his household but nations. Gen. 18:1-8.

It's time to start behaving your set goal. YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BECOME WHAT YOU BEHAVE. Bad habits don't jump on people, it starts by behavioural patterns, which now becomes a habit and later people say that is his/her character. 



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