Wednesday, 27 September 2017


A wise man once said "if you do not like THE QUALITY OF THE HARVEST, check THE QUALITY OF THE SEED".

Our life is fundamentally what we make of it, it is not what the society makes of it as some would claim, it is not what our circumstances make of it, neither is it what those around us make of it. Everything God made responds to the law of sowing and reaping. 

Orange seeds will never produce Mango fruits.  If you sow seeds of Mediocrity, don't expect greatness. If you think and act like the poor, how would you emerge wealthy? By the way, how do the poor think, someone asks...POOR PEOPLE INVEST IN LIABILITIES, RICH PEOPLE INVESTS IN ASSETS. 

Liabilities take money out of your pocket CONTINUOUSLY, Assets put money in your pocket CONTINUOUSLY. 

The seed I want to be addressing today is THE QUALITY OF THOUGHT you put into what you do. 

Every great idea begins from a thought realm. The difference between an iPhone 5 and an iPhone 2 is basically the difference in the quality of thought process that goes into their level of production. 

Stop complaining about the outcomes in and around your life, start paying more attention to how you take the steps you take. Put some thought into it. 
Spontaneity a wise man said, is an action that lacks depth of thoughts but propelled by a desire for instant self gratification. 

Products can be improved because the processes are documented and thus reviewed once and again. 

Your thought life can not be greater than the quality of information you expose your mind to.    Zero exposure to relevant information, zero level of quality thoughts, which implies poor seeds which will result into poor out comes. 

I recently heard that AN AVERAGE BILLIONAIRE READS TWO BOOKS IN A WEEK. WOW! So, they basically renew their minds, to improve the quality of their thoughts (seeds). 

How many books have I finished in the past 90 days? What am I reading at the moment? 

This BOOK of the law, shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For THEN  YOU SHALL  MAKE THY WAY PROSPEROUS and YOU SHALL DEAL WISELY AND HAVE GOOD SUCCESS. Joshua 1:8 (The Amplified). all your seed sown (steps to be taken)

It's time for you to have Quality Harvest, till when next you visit this blog keep IMPROVING  THE QUALITY OF THE SEED!

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