Sunday, 3 September 2017


The strength or complexity of any challenge is only as described by you. 

Your challenge is not special, you called it special. Your situation is not impossible, you called it impossible. 

Someone is saying "but that was what the Consultant said"...A specialist verdict is only a professional opinion about the situation, you still have a choice to agree or not to agree with the Consultant. 

You see, to fully overcome any challenge, you need a Powerful Mental Stance against that challenge; I didn't say, harness resources or go and prepare for it...No! First of all...change your mental positioning about the problem. 

Your Mentality has to be switched to a frequency where you see the challenge from a height of 30,000 feet and the challenge is below you. When you operate at this realm mentally, your language is affected. You use a different set of Adjective to describe the situation. Infact, sometimes you no longer see it; and the best part of it is that, your creativity comes alive.

If you see your Challenge from your eye will be overwhelmed by fear; when fear sets in, it paralyses your capacity to think creatively. 

Everybody saw a Giant in Goliath, David saw a bird. How do I know? You use slings and stones for birds not for giants. 

If you don't win Mentally, You can't win Physically. 

Whatever exists in your Mental space, will soon exist in your reality. 

You are not in lack because you lack are in lack because lack exists in your Mentality. 

If victory must be guaranteed, your Mental Stance has to change. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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