Sunday, 17 September 2017


Over the years, I have come to observe something very common with all great achievers; Prior to the belief system, the sacrifice, prior to the prayers and corresponding hard-work is the consciousness that...

I deserve this...I am eligible for this...

This is a consciousness they maintain irrespective of their background or current circumstance. 

It is true, 

"To him that knocketh, it shall be opened" Matt. 7:7-8

However, your sense of deservedness and eligibility determines the size and the quality of doors you knock on.

Let me say this....sometimes you can't afford to wait for society to validate your eligibility for greatness; you can't afford to wait for family, or loved ones. 

You need to determine your candidacy because in all deserve whatsoever it is you desire. 

No body would have considered David, as a match to Goliath; no one would have promoted that sort of match, even his brothers were not in support...but David by himself promoted his title match against Goliath until king Saul sent for him. 

He was sold into slavery, became a chief steward in the house of a Politician, accused falsely and then ended up in prison...yet, Joseph's sense of "eligibility for greatness" was not lost. 

He still promoted himself and asked to be introduced to Pharaoh should the occasion arise. 

Until you consider yourself won't be able. Ability goes where the "sense of eligibility" goes.

It is your sense of deservedness that guarantees your reservation. 

Stop dying in self pity and self condemnation. You messed up... so what? 

Get back up...Try again!
Only those with Top self esteem make it to the top...and you can guess where low self esteem will end you.

I don't care how many rejections you have didn't lose anything, they just missed their opportunity to partner with your greatness. 

If your situation must turn around, then, I need you to believe you are worth that new level. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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