Sunday, 24 September 2017


"...And we know that ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD to them that love God..." Rom. 8:28 KJV (Paraphrase are author's). 

It's important we learn to embrace adversity; because in times of adversity and change, we truly discover who we are. 

Had Joseph not embraced the Prison, he probably would not have been sensitive enough to relate with his inmates, who later turned out to be the link for his release. 

Had Ruth not embraced her widow hood, she wouldn't have been diligent enough to continuously do long hours in Boaz's farm for her to be noticed by Boaz. 

It doesn't matter, what the situation is at the moment, I dare you to embrace it and be proactive. 

Have you been fired, embrace your new economic status and be proactive; have you just lost an investment, embrace your new status and be proactive. 

Hardships they say, prepare ordinary people for extra ordinary destinies. 

You might not appreciate sound Financial Management until you go broke for a while and no one is coming for your rescue. 

There is a part of you that will never be realised until Pain and adversity dwell with you for a while. 

Sometimes pain is an instructional tool to correct certain degrees of deep seated foolishness you have been abiding by all along. 

Pain introduces you to a new school of discipline, which automatically empowers you to start cultivating certain principles that you will need for the days ahead. 

It's time to make the most of your pain; allow your pain to drive you into greatness not into pity party. 

Pain is a potential teacher, it is also a potential raw material with which to build a pleasurable future.

Until you embrace your pain and be proactive, you cannot successfully REDEFINE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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