Sunday, 10 September 2017


The strength and complexity of any challenge is only as determined by the "goggles" from which you view them. 

[Goggles in this context refers to your paradigm/perspective about things]. 

A problem-magnifying "goggle" has only one function - to blow the size of situations and circumstances out of proportion. It so magnifies the  situation that over time it has a reverse effect on the assessment of your self image. 

So the bigger the situation appears, the smaller you appear to yourself. 

Another critical step to redefining your circumstance is to CHANGE YOUR PAIR OF GOGGLES. 

HOW YOU SEE a challenge is critical to how you will describe the challenge and will ultimately determine how you will approach the challenge. 

Perspective is Powerful. 

12 spies went to view Canaan, they all saw the same facts but viewed from 2 sets of Goggles: 

1. Problem-Magnifying Goggle (10 spies used this pair)

2. Problem-Miniaturising Goggle (Joshua and Caleb)

Ruth and Orpah were both widows - same circumstance. Naomi presented the same goggle (problem-magnifying) to the young widows to view their circumstance. Orpah bought it...and left, Ruth had a different set of goggles through which she viewed, hence she stayed. 

Be careful with whom you share your challenges with...some people are not counselors (age is not synonymous to Wisdom), some people are Problem-Magnifying goggles personified. 

So, what is your challenge? What pair of goggles are you looking through? 

Have you ever heard or used the expression "I'm just being REAL here"? 

The only REAL definition of a  situation is the definition that empowers you to solve it. 

Everyone saw a woman who had committed adultery..."the biggest of sins" - religiously speaking; Jesus saw everyone as equal sinners - EQUATING ALL SINS as the same. 

Their perspective was to kill a life, Jesus' perspective was to save all lives. 

Depression is you seeing your situation deeper than it actually is. 

Your Perspective...Your Choice. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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