Thursday, 31 August 2017


Dear Friend, 

Congratulations and welcome to a brand new month. Thank you for staying with us all through the month of PUT YOUR LIFE IN YOUR HANDS, and we believe you are already taking full responsibility for your life and the success ahead of you. 

Every meaning you give to everything in your life MAKES or DESTROYS your life. Choose empowering meanings because the better your meanings the better your life. 

Why not join us this month as we explore the theme: REDEFINING YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE. 

Your life will never appreciate beyond the definition you give to it. The stronger your meanings the stronger your life.

Congratulations once again and Happy New Month! 

Wednesday, 30 August 2017


Self appreciation is a very good tool for inspiration; it is great to look at how far you have come and then take time out and digest that feeling of accomplishment. The biggest challenge is dwelling there for longer than necessary. 

It is time to think a step ahead of your last is time to DO MORE! 

You can choose to be a Conqueror or "more than a conqueror" 

You can choose to be just an employee or be "more than an employee"

You can choose to be just a student or be "more than a student"

The key is DO MORE! 

...By faith Abel offered unto God a MORE EXCELLENT sacrifice than Cain,  by which he obtained witness...God testifying of his gifts...Heb. 11:4

O boy! Did you see that? 

They were both excellent but Abel was MORE excellent...and God also attested to it.

When God attests to your DOING MORE, your promotion will be unstoppable. Can a man (boss/manager) stop an employee whom God has approved from being promoted?

It's time to do more...
In your business...DO MORE

At your work place...DO MORE

In your relationship...DO MORE

With your Children...DO MORE

With your keeping fit...DO MORE

With your Personal Discipline...DO MORE

With your drive for excellence...DO MORE

In your relationship with God....DO MORE

Till when next you visit this blog...keep DOING MORE!

Sunday, 27 August 2017


It is true, you must have failed several times; it's true you are fed up already and you are considering quitting but how do you eventually become your dream after quitting?

I need you to know...that it is possible that your dreams can come through. It is possible to turn your life, business, family and every current but temporal situation around.

Let me tell you something you already know...

There are two kinds of people in the world...there are those who go about TALKING about opportunities and possibilities....there are those who are BUSY DOING something about the opportunities and possibilities. 

"What is possible will always be potential" but "what we do about what is possible is what makes what is possible, become a reality".

The woman with the issue of blood knew it was possible for her to be healed by Jesus...and she did something about that possibility. 

Don't try to tell me what you think is me by your actions...because what you do is the only proof, you believe in what you say is possible. 

If your circumstance must change, there is only one person responsible and that person is "You". 

It's time you take full responsibility for the current as well as the future outcomes of your life...because...the easiest way to become a "Nobody" is to do "Nothing". 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 23 August 2017


Shopping is one of the biggest "fun" words in the 21st century. Everyone loves to shop, from kids to adults, boys and girls, men and women alike. 
 The truth is, someone somewhere has produced 'a good' or 'a service' that you and I are gladly subscribing to. Now the service is so impeccable that all we see is the feeling we have and the satisfaction we derive everytime we pay for such service(s); If only we also know that the person behind that idea IS GLADLY PUTTING THEIR HANDS IN OUR WALLETS AND TAKING OUR FINANCIAL RESOURCES AT OUR SAY SO. 

The question is are you a consumer or a producer? 

A consumer is one who goes to the market place and enriches everyone. From the UK, he financially empowers someone in the US, Asia, Australia depending on what he or she is shopping for. 

A producer is one who puts out goods and services out there for him to be financially empowered by those in his locality and abroad. The truth is, the world is designed to be balanced economically by the producer and the consumer. A producer of a service is probably a consumer for another.

For instance, if you are going out this have to look good. So, you paid for the toothpaste idea, paid for the toothbrush, paid for your shower gel, paid for your  cream, paid for your shoes and paid for the clothes you put on. I guess, you are even thinking I need some more clothes, a possible change of wardrobe. Can you see how much you have paid to look good? Don't even want to talk about your lunch (for those of us who eat out). 

The question is WHAT ARE YOU PRODUCING? 

Who is gladly PAYING YOU for your idea (goods or services).

Stop short changing yourself, you have been enriching everyone else but yourself. It's time to go to the market place with a new vision. It's time to consciously decide how much you will be paid today, this month, this quarter. 


I have good news for you, EVERYTHING SELLS! Oh yes! EVERYTHING SELLS! That idea is not too small, that idea is also not too big...start taking steps. 

If you start nothing you will become nothing! 

...then Isaac sowed (produced) in that land, and received (people paid him gladly) in the same year an hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him. Gen. 26:12

God blesses Producers more: Abraham (a producer), Isaac (a producer), Jacob (a producer), Joseph (a producer). 

Do you want to be blessed of the Lord? Start Producing 'something'. 

Till when next you visit this blog...BE A PRODUCER!

Sunday, 20 August 2017


There is this group of guys that I keep learning from all the time; interestingly, we all know them for something not commendable, however, God in his infinite Wisdom still acknowledged the potency of their mentality. 

I call them the "Babel Masterminds"

Let's check how it all started:

"...and they said one to another...LET US MAKE...LET US BUILD A CITY and A TOWER, whose top may REACH UNTO HEAVEN...and let us MAKE US A NAME (make an impact whiles we are alive)..." Gen. 11:3-4 KJV (paraphrase are author's). 

Oh wow!...very clear goals...if you are talking about BIG DREAMS, no one has broken this record yet. 

God had to literally come down to stop them...NOT THE DEVIL...they didn't need to fast about it, of course they don't come across as though they had any relationship with God. 

Now, let's put that in perspective...these were men with a very HIGH RESOLVE to maximise their stay on earth. 

A City and A Tower? 

Interestingly, they didn't talk about money, not capital...When God said they can't be stopped he didn't say so because of the size of their Bank statements...No...

They had a possibility Mental Framework that will translate into Real time Hard Work that will deliver their objective. [Gen. 11:6] 

They were not just talkers...they were doers. They were willing to PUT IN THE AMOUNT OF WORK necessary to make that happen. 

Friends, I have great respect for spirituality and spiritual exercises...I also engage to build up myself spiritually...however, these were men that will not Fast or Pray about this size of dream...they were ready to DO IT...WORK IT...WORK IT! 

Even Money or the lack of it couldn't stop them.

If God came down to stop meant they were unstoppable! 

I need you to begin to see life as warfare...where laziness is the enemy. This is an enemy that needs to be conquered every minute, every day, and every week...this enemy never dies...and so the battle is for life. 

Sleeping for 8 hours is not in your best interest, you can ask any achiever out there...but underachievers will say otherwise. 

Success is never owned...It's Rented..and the Rent is due EVERYDAY.

Greatness never goes on Sale...The Price Is The Same All Year Round.

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 16 August 2017


There are two types of people in the world today: those who

1. Think like leaders from where they are and

2. Those who think like followers from where they are

Now the difference between both types is in their mentality. The way the leader minded individual thinks most of the times drives him/her into taking visionary steps that inspires excellence. Same applies to those who think like followers. There are quite a few differences between these two types of people, but we wouldn't go into that for now. 

But one thing remains very clear, a leader is always conscious of the fact that his/her actions has the capacity to either guide or mislead, create or destroy destinies, hence he thinks and acts responsibly, NOT FOR HIMSELF but for those whom he is leading. A follower, on the other hand...thinks about self, you can see self in all his thinking and actions. Could act irresponsibly often times because he doesn't think he should inspire anyone. 

It's very clear, that whiles one school of thought inspires the need for personal development, hence the drive for excellence; the other school of thought inspires no need for continuous personal development hence leads towards a mediocre lifestyle. 

I always hear people say, "this is who I am", "that's my style","if you can't accept me then leave me", etc. The question on my mind is "is this a self defence to the justification of a mediocre lifestyle or indeed this is truly who they are"? 

The reason why we can't give up some bad habits is because we think like followers and do not want to inspire anyone. The reason why we want to live average lifestyles is because we are too lazy to step up to the DEMANDS OF PERSONAL LEADERSHIP. I charge you today, to start paying attention to your conduct, see yourself leading a million kids...your approach to life, your task, will change. 

Paul made a powerful statement 

...Be ye followers of me...1 Corinth. 11:1

Here is a man who can boldly ask the entire Church in Corinthians to live their lives after him. What Audacity! What Excellence in Character Development! 

No wonder he told Timothy...

...but be thou AN EXAMPLE...1 Tim. 4:12

The places you go to, the type of jokes you crack, your attitude towards your studies/job, CAN YOU TRULY ASK 1 million kids to do the same and guarantee they will succeed in life?

Enough of you justifying all the crazy things you do, in the name of being your own person. 

It's time to pay attention to your Character, LEADERSHIP IS UPON YOU, stop acting like a mediocre. Lives and destinies are counting on you. 

You that will inspire your children to be studious and hardworking...BE STUDIOUS, BE HARDWORKING and you wouldn't have to speak about it because they will see it in you!

This is a hard truth but someone said, YOU CAN NOT RAISE SOMEONE TO BECOME WHO YOU ARE NOT!

Till when next you visit this blog, think like a leader, lives and destinies are counting on you! 


Sunday, 13 August 2017


Let us try to solve a fundamental problem in the school of Achievement. The pathetic bit is that those who have the problem don't even know they have a major problem...because there is always a sentimental justification to it. 

So what then is this problem? 

I call it the lazy man's philosophy - "nobody wants to help me". 

What is help? 

Help is a 20% boost that makes your 80% reach 100%. 

Your 80% constitutes: 10% of initiative and 70% of NON-NEGOTIABLE PERSONAL INPUT OR EFFORT. 

From the above definition, you will see that to begin anything in don't need Help [20%]. Go and get busy about your 80% first...then with or without the 20%, you are already on your way to achieving whatever it is you have set your mind on. 

A lazy man interprets it the other way around: He believes Help is 80% and his input is 20% and so he sits all day saying...

"I don't have anybody"
"I don't know anybody"
"I need capital"

and then days turn out to weeks, weeks turn into months and months turn into years...a full grown adult has decided to be his own problem. 

Stop Planning Your Life Around Someone else's "Help" because Help is usually not an obligation.

Nobody...Nobody...even those who have promised to help you...those who once helped....NOBODY OWES YOU ANYTHING. 


These days I hear lazy and irresponsible religious people talk about "Destiny Helper". They pray it, they sing it. Let me say this...

Something sounds "religious" or "spiritually deep" doesn't necessarily make it True. 

Okay...if you succeed who is the first beneficiary? Is it your uncle? How about when you turn yourself into a liability...who suffers the most? Your Cousin? 

Jesus once had a conversation with a man who literally sat down at a spot for 38 years in the name of "No helper". Jesus asked...

Jesus: Will thou be made whole?
Impotent Man: Sir, I have no man...

John 5:1-9 [KJV, paraphrase are author's]. 

How long have you been holding back? 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 9 August 2017


Every farmer or gardener has a fundamental challenge. The challenge of weeds. So beyond the preparation of the soil and planting of the seed, there has to be a constant fight against weeds. 

What are weeds?

Weeds are unwanted growing plants in the farm or garden. Most times, they fight the healthy growing of the plants and if the farmer does not constantly take them off they will eventually take up as much ground as they can. 
Putting the above in perspective, in life we all have "weeds" to deal with. Don't watch sudden negative thoughts which are inconsistent with your Vision/training/conviction to settle. If you do, they will choke your set goals (plants) and your pursuit of them. 

Weeds come in several forms: through thoughts (excuses), sudden decline in our resolve (procrastination), negative influences from old friends(engaging in things that don't enhance the achievement of our goals), etc. 

Why am I not at the level of discipline I have always envisaged? Why can't we keep up with our daily workout routines? 
There are certain habits that all of a sudden has altered your way of is time to cut them off. Habits like being irritated by everything around you for no reason...wasting time on Facebook...desire of things you don't necessarily need but just because everyone else has it, you can't help but get come we lie and don't feel disappointed in ourselves anymore? 

But from the beginning it was not so...

These things came in unnoticed, and because we didn't pay attention to see that it is choking up our "destiny plants", they have kept us at a low level. It's time to make a change. 

Gal. 5:9 says:

A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump

It always starts with just "a little" (just for this once). Some people are now alcoholics because of they wanted to have "a little" for their stomach sake. 

There are certain friends we need to let go...they are not necessarily bad friends, but they don't enhance our focus. They keep coming up with time wasting ideas in a bid to have fun; there are certain TV shows we need to stop, it corrupts our faith...attacks our mission consciousness. These are weeds.

The tricky bit is, most weeds look so nice that, one can mistaken them for actual plants. But to spot them we need to know definitely what plants we are trying to grow.

When most distraction comes they don't necessarily look like one.

Till when next you visit this blog, KEEP PAYING ATTENTION TO YOUR GARDEN.

Sunday, 6 August 2017


So...someone has been busy all year, justifying their inaction, justifying their lack of initiative, justifying their liability status to those around them, justifying they don't have a that you? 

So...what's this story of yours? 

I came from a poor background?
I don't have the right education?
My parents didn't send me to school?
From a broken home?
My job sucks?
I need capital?
My siblings don't care about me? 
It's too hot?
It's too cold?
The Government?
The Economy? 

Wednesday, 2 August 2017


 A wise man once said, 

"Champions are not made in the ring, they are only recognised in the ring...champions are made in their everyday rehearsal" 

In the world of sports, aiming for trophies is the biggest goal for all. This is why, they submit to coaches (mentors), personal trainers (teachers), personal discipline, etc. They live everyday of their lives with a major tournament in focus. 

They sweat it out on a daily basis on the field, ring, or in the gymnasium. They might be in pain, but for the glory ahead, they endure. Some of them give up friendships and social habits that does not enhance the quality of their preparedness for the tournament. You can see it clearly in the tone of their body muscles. 

The truth is we can live the philosophy of the sports man in our pursuit of destiny.

Paul said...

Know ye not, that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. 1 Corinth 9:24

It's time to set your goals as major sports tournament. Desire winning like a sports man. Enough of living like a spectator or a sports analyst. 
WHAT ARE YOU REHEARSING FOR? What disciplines would you commit to daily that would make you the best in your area of specialty. These days, people talk less of excellence and celebrate being average. Don't be caught with in that web. 

It's time to run like you want the medal. My teacher once told me, the key to unending success is PREPARE! PREPARE!!PREPARE!!! 

Some of you say, you want to be the best you can be but, the friends you keep close make you sound like a joker, your eating and sleeping  habit is contrary to the objective, what you commit to socially is amazingly ridiculous for the goals you have.

It's time to wake up! Greatness is upon you stop wasting away! Stop living like a spectator, all they know to do and all they prepare for is fun. Stop being an analyst, all they know to do, is to talk and judge those who are actively engaging in the field/ring. 
In the following week, month, quarter or year, set yourself daily goals that will make you the best. Yes! The best! Commit to the discipline that will make you become or achieve that goal, put an end to every friendship that will not feed that objective... Get a coach/mentor/Personal trainer and COMMIT TO THEIR INSTRUCTION AS IT APPLIES TO YOUR ASSIGNMENT and watch yourself become an amazement to yourself. Do you remember, it took a driving instructor to get you your Drivers License?

Believe it or not...IT WILL ALWAYS TAKE A COACH. Show me a man who is committed to a coach, I will show you a man on his way to the top. Only spectators and analysts live without one. 

You too can be celebrated! You too can be given an award! You too can make global headlines!


Till when next you visit this blog, keep LIVING LIKE A SPORTS MAN!