Wednesday, 23 August 2017


Shopping is one of the biggest "fun" words in the 21st century. Everyone loves to shop, from kids to adults, boys and girls, men and women alike. 
 The truth is, someone somewhere has produced 'a good' or 'a service' that you and I are gladly subscribing to. Now the service is so impeccable that all we see is the feeling we have and the satisfaction we derive everytime we pay for such service(s); If only we also know that the person behind that idea IS GLADLY PUTTING THEIR HANDS IN OUR WALLETS AND TAKING OUR FINANCIAL RESOURCES AT OUR SAY SO. 

The question is are you a consumer or a producer? 

A consumer is one who goes to the market place and enriches everyone. From the UK, he financially empowers someone in the US, Asia, Australia depending on what he or she is shopping for. 

A producer is one who puts out goods and services out there for him to be financially empowered by those in his locality and abroad. The truth is, the world is designed to be balanced economically by the producer and the consumer. A producer of a service is probably a consumer for another.

For instance, if you are going out this have to look good. So, you paid for the toothpaste idea, paid for the toothbrush, paid for your shower gel, paid for your  cream, paid for your shoes and paid for the clothes you put on. I guess, you are even thinking I need some more clothes, a possible change of wardrobe. Can you see how much you have paid to look good? Don't even want to talk about your lunch (for those of us who eat out). 

The question is WHAT ARE YOU PRODUCING? 

Who is gladly PAYING YOU for your idea (goods or services).

Stop short changing yourself, you have been enriching everyone else but yourself. It's time to go to the market place with a new vision. It's time to consciously decide how much you will be paid today, this month, this quarter. 


I have good news for you, EVERYTHING SELLS! Oh yes! EVERYTHING SELLS! That idea is not too small, that idea is also not too big...start taking steps. 

If you start nothing you will become nothing! 

...then Isaac sowed (produced) in that land, and received (people paid him gladly) in the same year an hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him. Gen. 26:12

God blesses Producers more: Abraham (a producer), Isaac (a producer), Jacob (a producer), Joseph (a producer). 

Do you want to be blessed of the Lord? Start Producing 'something'. 

Till when next you visit this blog...BE A PRODUCER!

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