Monday, 31 July 2017


Dear Friend, 

Congratulations and welcome to a brand new Month.

Have you ever come across people in life who always feel entitled? They assume the world owes them something: they blame everyone and everything for where they are in life and even when you try to help them...they believe they are entitled to so much more. 

A young man named Jephthah was in a critical position once and he asked for help...but when he didn't get help...hear what Jeph had to say..

"...and when I saw that ye delivered me not, I PUT MY LIFE IN MY HANDS, and passed over against the children of Ammon...and the LORD delivered them INTO MY HAND..." Judges 12:1-3 (KJV, paraphrase are author's).

Jeph did not put his life in the hands of the Government, hands of Friends, hands of Family members, not even in the hands of his spiritual leader...He put his life IN HIS HANDS.

Until He put his own life in his hands (accepting FULL RESPONSIBILITY), God did not deliver his enemies into his hands. 

Why not join me this month, as we explore the theme PUT YOUR LIFE IN YOUR HANDS. 

Congratulations once again and Happy New Month! 

Sunday, 30 July 2017


Nothing is built unconsciously; you cannot suddenly speak a skyscraper into existence. Muscle  don't jump on people...he that desires to be built physically will of necessity commit in doing so consciously. 

It's time to consciously BUILD UP YOURSELF. Build up your Faith, Your spiritual life, your family, your relationship, your career, your business, your your Health. 


Stop over estimating your self, your results tell it all, your account statement don't lie. Can you really see the situation with your business? Can you see how much you are indebted? 

Right struggle to go up a flight of stairs, your breathing ain't normal anymore. You don't fit in your own clothes...and still you don't want to give  up those poor habits. Are you building or tearing down?

Can you see how much you have blown by hanging out weekly with your "guys/girls"? Why is that friend of yours feeding his/her irresponsible lifestyle by milking on your hard earned cash? Stop sabotaging yourself! Who are you impressing?
You said you are thirsty, but you bought a drink instead of water; you have good clothes you haven't worn for close to 6 months and yet you say, you want to change your wardrobe? And you blame your employer for a meager pay? 

So, as a young able bodied parent, with degree to show some form of mental soundness; You have decided to be lazy today because you think "my children will take care of me when I am old". Can you see how you are mortgaging your children's future to pay for your irresponsible life plan today? Your kids don't owe you is commendable for kids to provide for parents...but to bank your whole destiny on that is grossly irresponsible. Who says you can't leave wealth behind for them? Can you see yourself?

When you look at the path you are currently on...does it lead to your intended destination? 

You can't book a Mexico bound flight and expect, hope and wish, pray and fast that it will take you to Turkey. 

"You can't put a crown on a clown and expect a king"


You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 26 July 2017


Have you ever wondered why...two people will start something on the same level and yet end up at different degrees of success? What is the difference between the average achiever and the super achiever? Why do some kids do well at school and others don't? 

In my little study, I have discovered one fundamental answer that answers all the above questions and many more of such questions. 


Paul said...

"I have the right to do anything, you say-but not everything is beneficial. " I have the right to do anything-but I will not be mastered by anything. 1 Corinth. 6:12

Have you ever sat down to evaluate the outcomes at your academics, career, business or finances? Why are you not reaching your goals? It is time to review your personal discipline. Some people started well, and for some reason discontinued along the way, some people are non-finishers, if they start 10 things,they can not see 5 through to the's a lack of personal discipline. 
I dare you to commit to a course (FULLY), a process or even a personal program for 3 (FULL) months and see how wonderful your life will turn out. STOP WALKING AWAY, STOP GIVING UP AND ACTING ALL OVERWHELMED! 

Someone say, but it's hard...Yes! It was not designed to be easy. Anything of value comes with a don't buy a Bentley with a few dollars, do you? 

The good news is...WHEN TOUGH TIMES COME, IT WILL TAKE YOUR PERSONAL DISCIPLINE TO KEEP YOU GOING. Those who breakdown during tough times do so because prior to that time they don't have any level of personal discipline. Life circumstances is ALWAYS A WAKEUP CALL TO RESPONSIBILITIES WE HAVE IGNORED. That's why you pray more when challenges come...
Crying, nagging and self pity does no good to you. Laying blames, and giving excuses for the average results in and around your life makes you unfit for your next level. 

The funny part is not being disciplined is also a discipline in itself.  

Wake up! Address yourself...look into the mirror and challenge the person you see in there. Ask him/her...

WHERE WILL YOUR CURRENT DISCIPLINE LEAD YOU? If you keep doing what you are doing now, how you are doing it, and continue for the next 3 months, where will you arrive? 

It's a shame that the trend these days is...someone who has the capacity to deliver a 95% outcome, only delivers 40% and yet, they celebrate themselves and give themselves a 'treat'. I see adults put themselves on a self destructive pedestal all in the name of "rewarding themselves" for what? A mediocre lifestyle? Being an underachiever is now laudable. 

The seventh month is coming to an end...

Decide today to step up your discipline...

Discipline your thoughts...ALWAYS STAY OPTIMISTIC!

Discipline your Temperament...anger is a choice, it's not the circumstance but your choice.

Discipline your appetite...

Discipline how you speak to people: learn to communicate, stop being cynical or verbally offensive.

Discipline your Time management...if it is 10a.m. be there 30 minutes earlier. 

Discipline your expenditure...a man's wealth does not consist of how much he acquires but how much he can save and invest.

Discipline your sleep...if you sleep 8 hours a day, you are living an average life.


Do the work...increase your input and check what becomes of your output.

How often do you pray fervently in a week? Do you even study the Word..? Decide to do better from today. 

Till when next you visit this blog, DECIDE TO START LIVING WITH A DIFFERENCE!

Sunday, 23 July 2017


If your perspective towards life today is the same as the Perspective you had 5 years ago, it simply means your mind was never exposed to any form of valuable information. 

An aspect of personal hygiene require that you shower at least once a day; if you don't, it's very likely people will rather relate with you from afar. 

Your Mental Hygiene requires you ponder on something profound DAILY. If you do...your mental capacity begins to grow, and your perspective about your current circumstance will change. If you don't, your ideologies will stink and mature people will relate to you from a distance. 

You can read a book, your bible or objectively investigate a success story or success system. Allow your mind to be washed by the quality of the exposure. 
Your life cannot develop further than your mind; your mind will not develop just because you are growing old...No! You will have to consciously develop the efficacy of your mental faculty. 

If your mind is built, your brain-work will be effective, if your mind is not built...situations of life will destabilize you. 

There is no special challenge, we only have special levels of under developed minds. Stop waiting on people, family or friends to solve your problems; the person you are waiting on...also has challenges. He is only trying to use his head...why not copy him? Develop your mind and Put it to good use. 

Stop being needy, develop your mind...and then it will bail you out of situations. 

A mother whose child was sick came to Jesus, and Jesus told her "Healing is for Children not for Dogs", implying she wasn't entitled; yet, see the response of a sound mind, she said 

"Truth Lord: yet the dogs do eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table"...Matt. 15:22-28 [KJV, paraphrase are author's]. 

People get frustrated not because the situation is frustrating but because their minds at that point in time cannot produce sound options in the direction of the solution. 

Your Brain-work will open doors, your pleading won't open. 


You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 19 July 2017


Last week, we were able to establish that VALUE cannot be seen with the physical eyes, hence it is not same as acquiring all the gorgeously looking material things money can buy. This week we want to see another dimension to value. 

Jesus speaking told his disciples:
DO NOT gather and heap up and store for yourselves treasures on earth (seen realm) where moth and rust and worm consume and destroy, and where thieves break through and steal. BUT gather and heap up and store for yourselves treasures in heaven (unseen realm), where neither moth nor rust nor worm consume and destroy, and where THIEVES DO NOT BREAK THROUGH and steal. Matt. 6:19-20 (Amp).  

From the above permit me to say...

Real value CANNOT BE STOLEN. Which is pretty obvious because if it cannot be seen, how then can you steal it? 


Does that mean, we can't acquire material things? No! It simply means we shouldn't place such cravings above TRUE value. 

Living in a material world could be very misleading; however achieving success and peace of mind comes from a mind set that is value driven. 

Think about this, material things cannot reproduce themselves. Can a car reproduce another car? Can a house reproduce itself? Now, you could argue and say, if both are used for business purposes then they can reproduce. Great! What if the car was stolen? What if the house was also stolen or a natural disaster occurs and the building colapses? 

But think about a mind that is resourceful (creating value for others), such an individual could buy as many cars and houses as he or she would please. Question: Can an individual's resourcefulness be stolen? Even when a man is physically challenged if his mind is working, I tell you he is UNSTOPPABLE! 

The question is, what exactly are we investing in? Things or value? 

Parents, give your children things that cannot be stolen from them. Give them values that can produce and reproduce anything they can ever desire.

What's most adult's biggest fear? Losing one's funds...retirement...etc.

An individual of value is never scared of the above, why? They can create value...hence they can never run out of job/funds. I'm not saying getting another job, I'm saying those who create value provide jobs. But how many people have taken time to invest in themselves enough to develop such mindsets? 

Remember VALUE is not THINGS. VALUE is not seen with the eyes (hence it cannot be stolen); VALUE is that priceless core of any system that keeps the system alive and functional.

It's time to shop for sustainable values.

Till when next you visit this blog, KEEP INCREASING YOUR VALUE!

Sunday, 16 July 2017


Years ago, I learnt a fundamental principle that has turned my life around; I call it the Parameter for success. It's so simple, we talk about it but we still don't understand it. 

It's called "Numbers".

Life is a Numbers game

Success in certain aspect of life could mean improving your numbers and Success in other areas could mean decreasing or moderating your numbers. 

When you look at your facts sheet (scoreboard, results, account statement, percentage profits, list of Clientele, Academic results, etc.), what can you see?


Before you start laying blames or making excuses pay attention to your numbers. Your numbers reflect your discipline, talks about your work ethics and most importantly where you are today.  

Your account balance does not bear your friend's name; if it is in red, no one is to blame. When you step on a weight balance, what you see does not belong to your boss nor your colleagues, it's's all yours.

Do you remember the Parable of the talent? Growing numbers. 

If you don't like your numbers, it's time to improve on your numbers. Build up your daily hours of Productivity; are you a sportsman? Increase your hours of practice; are you a business man? Develop strategies to improve your Clientele. 
You might be smarter than your competitors, more established than they are in the business but if they are better in the control of the numbers, it's just a matter of time, they will soon be your Consultant. Better still they will either buy you up or you will seek for a merger. 

Can you truly account for your 24 hours? Can you truly account for your last pay cheque? How have you been managing those customers? 

Jesus said something profound
"...those that thou gavest me, I have kept, AND NONE OF THEM IS LOST..." Jn. 17:12 (KJV, paraphrase are author's).

What you cannot successfully manage, you will fail to grow.

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 12 July 2017


There is a word that unconsciously drives everyone to do what we do. It determines what we shop for and how we shop; it determines how parents treat and relate to their children; it determines the type of  Job we seek, etc. That word is called VALUE.

Contrary to most beliefs, I think value is perceived, it can not be seen physically. For instance, what makes you valuable as a human being is the air you breathe (true or false?) It is not your hair cut or your flashy car.,,it is simply the air you breathe. When you look at a plane, what makes it valuable is not its size but the quality of its engine. How? Every other thing that goes wrong, can be fixed and the plane would not be grounded but if the engine is faulty, the plane is definitely grounded. 

When you look at a tree, the value of that tree is not its leaves or stem, its value is in its root. Cut the leaves and the stem off, there will still be life in the tree, but when you take out the root, the tree dies. 
So, one of the characteristics of VALUE is that, it cannot be seen. Permit me to say...

IF YOU ARE CHASING AFTER WHAT IS SEEN, YOU ARE NOT CHASING are busy chasing things.The interesting bit is, when you get VALUE you have ALL things. Get your priorities right! So, the question is

What are you investing in? It is time to start increasing your value.

Does it surprise you why certain children (even adults) can not survive outside home? Some times it is as a result of the fact that, their parents were busy BUYING THEM THINGS but not necessarily DEVELOPING SUSTAINABLE VALUES, hence they can not survive independently. 

An employer is seeking for VALUE not a certificate.

Let me share some examples of values to invest in:

KNOWLEDGE: The conscious acquisition and understanding of relevant information.
DISCIPLINE: The art of temporarily depriving oneself of pleasure so as to be focused on the pursuit of one's assignment.
DILIGENCE: The art of sitting on a task and delivering an excellent outcome.
DETERMINATION: Staying focused on the task in such a way that obstacles literally surrender.
CREATIVITY: Injecting new and functional perspectives to existing cycles.
POSITIVITY: The discipline of staying optimistic in spite of prevailing negative circumstances.

GODLY CHARACTER: Honouring God in all you do as well as demonstrating love for everyone you come across.

The list is inexhaustible but as could be seen, these are virtues that can not be seen with the physical eyes. 


Parents it is okay to get things for your kids, but much more...develop in them sustainable values. Remember, VALUE is not necessarily material possession, hence it can not be seen with the eyes. VALUE is that priceless core of any system that keeps the rest of the system alive and functional.

Joseph had value...he did not have a degree, yet he was sort after by a King.

David had courage (value), he did not have the height (as at the time), neither was he physically built, yet a physically built Saul lost the throne to a man of inestimable value.

Daniel was so VALUE-FULL to the point that he was relevant to the scheme of things under 9 different kings.

It's time to shop for sustainable values.

Till when next you visit this blog, KEEP INCREASING YOUR VALUE!

Sunday, 9 July 2017


''...Woe to the, O land, WHEN THY KING is A CHILD and thy princes eat in the morning...'' Eccl. 10:16 (KJV, paraphrase are author's)

Everything rises and falls on Leadership - John Maxwell. 

Your life is like a Nation and everything you are involved in are like institutions of that Nation and guess what...You are the Prime Minister or the President. 

If your Nation is failing economically it is because you have not built that sector of your Nation. If your industries are failing it's as a result of lack of working knowledge. 

Haven't you underdeveloped Nation attracts less also an underdeveloped individual attracts less opportunities. 

There is a place for prayer, there is a place for fasting, there is also a place for miracles but none of these will be a substitute for practically building up your life. 

The Tower of Babel didn't go up by Prayers, yet they were so pragmatic in their approach that God came down to stop them. [Gen. 11:6].

It's time to settle down and look inwards...see areas of your life that needs attention. Go for relevant trainings, go online and educate whatever it takes to build yourself. 

An underdeveloped CEO will ruin his business venture. Next to a system that appears not to be working is an ignorant/underdeveloped operator. 
When you build up yourself, the things around and the things you are responsible for are also affected; when you decide not to commit to continuous Personal Development, soon everything around you begins to experience stagnation. 

What you are yet to see in your life is what you are yet to grow into; and what you are yet to grow into is what you don't deserve. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 5 July 2017


There are two types of people in the world today: there are those who go with the flow and there are those who create their flow. What difference will it make if a soccer coach tells his team 'we are going into this game to score 5 goals'? The other coach might say, 'we are going to win'...but by what margin?

Both teams will approach the game differently and it will show in the discipline with which they prepare. Whereas the '5 goals team' will not relent until they achieve the 'definition of their pursuit' the other team will simply score '2 goals' and become complacent assuming they have won but it is not always the case. 
As a business man, what exactly do you want to achieve today, this week, this month? As a team leader, where exactly are you driving your team to? As a husband, a wife...what type of family do you see yourself having? Stop doing what everyone else is doing, stop letting things take there natural course. Those who drive can attest to the fact that...if you just leave your car to drive itself for about 2 minutes, it is very likely that you would be heading for the mechanic garage, right?

Someone who desires to lose 3 stones in the next 3 months have a different type of discipline compared to someone who just want to lose weight. Why? One pursuit is more defined than the other. If you could take a look around your world, everything working are those with CLEARLY DEFINED OBJECTIVES from the start; and everything that is not working efficiently are those that had a poor definition from the start. 
The question is: WHAT DO YOU WANT? Don't just desire to succeed, what definition of success would you like to have? Paul said: 

1 Corinthians 9:26

There is a wise man who said, he desires a 'itch free' marriage, it empowered his preparation and the discipline with which he pursued his definition and today, that is his reality. There is another young couple I know...they have said they desire a 'blissful home', they are committed to it and that's their experience till date. 

What do you want?
How will you qualify (define in specific terms) what you want?
Are you willing to commit to the discipline and the sacrifice required?

The truth is you can do way better than what you are doing right now as a person (family, business, career, relationship, walk of faith, relationship with God). You will be amazed at how much your body can stretch to deliver your mandate. Why? When you clearly define your pursuit, your brain naturally sends signals to your body and your body delivers the required strength for the task. 

At 85 years a man called Caleb demanded for his inheritance...he said....'give me this mountatin'

At 17 years, a boy called David brought down a giant...he said ''I  will cut off your head''

In Gen 11:4. some group of men assigned themselves a well defined task...they said '' let us build a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven''. As unimaginable as that dream was, they moved the one who sits on the throne to take action - God moved. 

There is so much on your inside, but until you CLEARLY DEFINE YOUR PURSUIT, you might never realise how far you can go. 

Till when next you visit this blog KEEP GIVING A DEFINITION TO YOUR PURSUIT.

Sunday, 2 July 2017


A future that is not prepared for is a future that will never be experienced. A house that remains a plan on paper is a house that will never be inhabited.  

Every student who wants to pass an exam in one seating must build the capacity to sit for a minimum of 4 hours daily.

Show me a man who wants to become an effective leader tomorrow, I will show you a man who is committed to building effective people skills today.   

It does not matter how big or how small your next goal/dream in life is; you will always need to build up your capacity to deliver that goal or dream. 

It's time to focus on building up the relevant skills, competencies, abilities and capabilities. I know you have the ability to sing a song, how about producing an album? I know you have the ability to mend clothes, how about sewing a dress and moving up to owning your fashion line? 

Stop congratulating yourself that you have laid the foundation, a foundation cannot accommodate's time to build beyond the foundation. 

You that claim you have been praying for a life partner: as a man, have you really sat down to build  yourself to become a good a girl, have you built yourself to the point where you can be an effective wife? 

Ability might come natural but skill is built over time. You have the ability to run does not suggest you have the skill to win a race or a Marathon. 

A wise man once said "a man without skills will kill".

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Saturday, 1 July 2017


Dear Friend,

Congratulations and welcome to another Month!

Have you discovered, no matter how colourful and how beautifully designed a House appears on a Plan, no one is in a haste to live in that House? 

In this new Month, we will be considering the theme BUILD UP YOURSELF. 

No Construction site ever appears comfortable, because of the building activities on going. 

It's time to leave your Comfort's time to begin the Construction of a glorious Future. 

Congratulations once again and Happy New Month!