Wednesday, 12 July 2017


There is a word that unconsciously drives everyone to do what we do. It determines what we shop for and how we shop; it determines how parents treat and relate to their children; it determines the type of  Job we seek, etc. That word is called VALUE.

Contrary to most beliefs, I think value is perceived, it can not be seen physically. For instance, what makes you valuable as a human being is the air you breathe (true or false?) It is not your hair cut or your flashy car.,,it is simply the air you breathe. When you look at a plane, what makes it valuable is not its size but the quality of its engine. How? Every other thing that goes wrong, can be fixed and the plane would not be grounded but if the engine is faulty, the plane is definitely grounded. 

When you look at a tree, the value of that tree is not its leaves or stem, its value is in its root. Cut the leaves and the stem off, there will still be life in the tree, but when you take out the root, the tree dies. 
So, one of the characteristics of VALUE is that, it cannot be seen. Permit me to say...

IF YOU ARE CHASING AFTER WHAT IS SEEN, YOU ARE NOT CHASING are busy chasing things.The interesting bit is, when you get VALUE you have ALL things. Get your priorities right! So, the question is

What are you investing in? It is time to start increasing your value.

Does it surprise you why certain children (even adults) can not survive outside home? Some times it is as a result of the fact that, their parents were busy BUYING THEM THINGS but not necessarily DEVELOPING SUSTAINABLE VALUES, hence they can not survive independently. 

An employer is seeking for VALUE not a certificate.

Let me share some examples of values to invest in:

KNOWLEDGE: The conscious acquisition and understanding of relevant information.
DISCIPLINE: The art of temporarily depriving oneself of pleasure so as to be focused on the pursuit of one's assignment.
DILIGENCE: The art of sitting on a task and delivering an excellent outcome.
DETERMINATION: Staying focused on the task in such a way that obstacles literally surrender.
CREATIVITY: Injecting new and functional perspectives to existing cycles.
POSITIVITY: The discipline of staying optimistic in spite of prevailing negative circumstances.

GODLY CHARACTER: Honouring God in all you do as well as demonstrating love for everyone you come across.

The list is inexhaustible but as could be seen, these are virtues that can not be seen with the physical eyes. 


Parents it is okay to get things for your kids, but much more...develop in them sustainable values. Remember, VALUE is not necessarily material possession, hence it can not be seen with the eyes. VALUE is that priceless core of any system that keeps the rest of the system alive and functional.

Joseph had value...he did not have a degree, yet he was sort after by a King.

David had courage (value), he did not have the height (as at the time), neither was he physically built, yet a physically built Saul lost the throne to a man of inestimable value.

Daniel was so VALUE-FULL to the point that he was relevant to the scheme of things under 9 different kings.

It's time to shop for sustainable values.

Till when next you visit this blog, KEEP INCREASING YOUR VALUE!

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