Wednesday, 5 July 2017


There are two types of people in the world today: there are those who go with the flow and there are those who create their flow. What difference will it make if a soccer coach tells his team 'we are going into this game to score 5 goals'? The other coach might say, 'we are going to win'...but by what margin?

Both teams will approach the game differently and it will show in the discipline with which they prepare. Whereas the '5 goals team' will not relent until they achieve the 'definition of their pursuit' the other team will simply score '2 goals' and become complacent assuming they have won but it is not always the case. 
As a business man, what exactly do you want to achieve today, this week, this month? As a team leader, where exactly are you driving your team to? As a husband, a wife...what type of family do you see yourself having? Stop doing what everyone else is doing, stop letting things take there natural course. Those who drive can attest to the fact that...if you just leave your car to drive itself for about 2 minutes, it is very likely that you would be heading for the mechanic garage, right?

Someone who desires to lose 3 stones in the next 3 months have a different type of discipline compared to someone who just want to lose weight. Why? One pursuit is more defined than the other. If you could take a look around your world, everything working are those with CLEARLY DEFINED OBJECTIVES from the start; and everything that is not working efficiently are those that had a poor definition from the start. 
The question is: WHAT DO YOU WANT? Don't just desire to succeed, what definition of success would you like to have? Paul said: 

1 Corinthians 9:26

There is a wise man who said, he desires a 'itch free' marriage, it empowered his preparation and the discipline with which he pursued his definition and today, that is his reality. There is another young couple I know...they have said they desire a 'blissful home', they are committed to it and that's their experience till date. 

What do you want?
How will you qualify (define in specific terms) what you want?
Are you willing to commit to the discipline and the sacrifice required?

The truth is you can do way better than what you are doing right now as a person (family, business, career, relationship, walk of faith, relationship with God). You will be amazed at how much your body can stretch to deliver your mandate. Why? When you clearly define your pursuit, your brain naturally sends signals to your body and your body delivers the required strength for the task. 

At 85 years a man called Caleb demanded for his inheritance...he said....'give me this mountatin'

At 17 years, a boy called David brought down a giant...he said ''I  will cut off your head''

In Gen 11:4. some group of men assigned themselves a well defined task...they said '' let us build a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven''. As unimaginable as that dream was, they moved the one who sits on the throne to take action - God moved. 

There is so much on your inside, but until you CLEARLY DEFINE YOUR PURSUIT, you might never realise how far you can go. 

Till when next you visit this blog KEEP GIVING A DEFINITION TO YOUR PURSUIT.

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