Sunday, 16 July 2017


Years ago, I learnt a fundamental principle that has turned my life around; I call it the Parameter for success. It's so simple, we talk about it but we still don't understand it. 

It's called "Numbers".

Life is a Numbers game

Success in certain aspect of life could mean improving your numbers and Success in other areas could mean decreasing or moderating your numbers. 

When you look at your facts sheet (scoreboard, results, account statement, percentage profits, list of Clientele, Academic results, etc.), what can you see?


Before you start laying blames or making excuses pay attention to your numbers. Your numbers reflect your discipline, talks about your work ethics and most importantly where you are today.  

Your account balance does not bear your friend's name; if it is in red, no one is to blame. When you step on a weight balance, what you see does not belong to your boss nor your colleagues, it's's all yours.

Do you remember the Parable of the talent? Growing numbers. 

If you don't like your numbers, it's time to improve on your numbers. Build up your daily hours of Productivity; are you a sportsman? Increase your hours of practice; are you a business man? Develop strategies to improve your Clientele. 
You might be smarter than your competitors, more established than they are in the business but if they are better in the control of the numbers, it's just a matter of time, they will soon be your Consultant. Better still they will either buy you up or you will seek for a merger. 

Can you truly account for your 24 hours? Can you truly account for your last pay cheque? How have you been managing those customers? 

Jesus said something profound
"...those that thou gavest me, I have kept, AND NONE OF THEM IS LOST..." Jn. 17:12 (KJV, paraphrase are author's).

What you cannot successfully manage, you will fail to grow.

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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