Sunday, 2 July 2017


A future that is not prepared for is a future that will never be experienced. A house that remains a plan on paper is a house that will never be inhabited.  

Every student who wants to pass an exam in one seating must build the capacity to sit for a minimum of 4 hours daily.

Show me a man who wants to become an effective leader tomorrow, I will show you a man who is committed to building effective people skills today.   

It does not matter how big or how small your next goal/dream in life is; you will always need to build up your capacity to deliver that goal or dream. 

It's time to focus on building up the relevant skills, competencies, abilities and capabilities. I know you have the ability to sing a song, how about producing an album? I know you have the ability to mend clothes, how about sewing a dress and moving up to owning your fashion line? 

Stop congratulating yourself that you have laid the foundation, a foundation cannot accommodate's time to build beyond the foundation. 

You that claim you have been praying for a life partner: as a man, have you really sat down to build  yourself to become a good a girl, have you built yourself to the point where you can be an effective wife? 

Ability might come natural but skill is built over time. You have the ability to run does not suggest you have the skill to win a race or a Marathon. 

A wise man once said "a man without skills will kill".

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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