Sunday, 31 December 2017


By the end of 2018, your goals will either remain items on a "To-Do" list or  items on a "Completed" list. You will either have results to show or stories to tell. Some people might have a list of excuses why they couldn't achieve what they were supposed to or they will have a list of persons to blame. 

Before you end 2018 like you just ended's important you develop an effective strategy on how to make sure you do everything you set out to do. 

What then is strategy? 

A strategy is a PRACTICAL and WELL THOUGHT out approach to achieving any or a combination of clearly defined deliverables using available resources. 

I know you have a list that has your goals...It's important you create another list for strategy. I know you have a "prayer request" list...I will still strongly advice you have a strategy list. 

You can pray for rainfall but the seeds won't plant themselves. 

When Jesus decided he was to feed the multitude, He instructed his disciples...

"...Make them sit down in fifties..." Lk. 9:14

Jesus...I mean "the miracle worker" was strategic. 

Even God was strategic with creating the world...How do I mean? 

How come He created "Light" first [Gen. 1:1-3]?

Nobody can work effectively in darkness...your ideas, skills and competencies not withstanding, if you attempt to be creative in the dark, you will likely end up in the Hospital before your project is through. 

Prayer cannot replace strategic thinking; fasting does not necessarily make things deliver faster. 

Being spiritual does not suggest, you should suspend the EFFECTIVE USE of your Brain capacity. 

If you lack strategy, you will lack results. 

You will not fail!

On behalf of the team at WOW INT'L I would like to say...

Good morning and Happy New Year!

Saturday, 30 December 2017


Happy New Year in advance. 

I will like to congratulate you for making it to the last day of the month and the last day of this calendar year.  If you don't have anything to be grateful should be grateful for life because only the living can aspire to greatness. 

Between every plan and an execution is an "action plan" otherwise called "strategy". 

The realisation of your dream is down to an effective action plan. Joseph sold a sustainable economic action plan to Pharaoh. 

Knowing "what to do" is not the same as knowing "how to do". 

You are welcome to join us this January as we discuss the theme "DEVELOP A STRATEGY".

Congratulations once again and Happy New Month/Year in advance. 


Wednesday, 27 December 2017


No one arrives anywhere by chance. Show me a man who is about to embark on a journey, I will show you a man who is consciously making preparation. 
Have you seen a man who suddenly arrives at work without any CONSCIOUS preparation? Permit me to say therefore...
If you do not set yourself to go somewhere, you will never arrive there.
If you do not set yourself to do something you will never get it done. 
No man leaves his house for work unconsciously and then sees himself suddenly on his desk; I may not know your destination but when I see your direction, I could predict your destination. In the same vein every journey to success is a function of a CONSCIOUS ENGAGEMENT. 

Success and failure are very predictable, because those who desire them leave traces. 
The truth is, if we don't set ourselves to be great we are already setting up ourselves to end average. 

As a business man, if you don't set yourself to be successful you are invariably setting yourself to fail. Same applies to every other endeavour in any area of life. 

Let's see a man called Abraham in the text below...

...and they (he and his household) went forth to go (set themselves) into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came...Genesis 12:5

Where did they set themselves to go? Canaan.

Where did they arrive? Canaan. 

Did they set themselves for Canaan and later arrived at Canada?

Did they set themselves for Canaan and later arrived at Cambridge? 

Where you are today, believe it or not was your set up. If it must change, then you need to reset yourself. 

Every failed endeavour (career, business, relationship, marriage, health, finances, etc) failed because we consciously set it up to fail. If you would be sincere, you knew when it started. 

The good news is, it does not matter what has failed or what is not working, if you are genuinely interested to arrive at a better destination then you can reset yourself to arrive  there. 

Stop complaining about the past failures, stop complaining about people, you are the captain of your ship (life) and only you can set the sail.

Hey! Look ahead, what can you see? Do you see Canaan? Then it is time to SET YOURSELF to arrive.

Till when next you visit this blog, SET YOURSELF for greatness.

Sunday, 24 December 2017


It's a Christmas morning and as usual, there is so much excitement, so much joy and so much love in the atmosphere. 

Beyond the Merriment and the sharing of gifts, when I think about Christmas, I think about the celebration of a life not just a birth. 

Christ touched lives with his mission and purpose on earth. He so impacted the world that Civilisation decided to date things with reference to his coming. 

AD is the Latin word for "Anno Domini" which means in the year of our Lord and BC means "before Christ". 

Hence AD 2017 implies it's been about 2,017 years after the traditional date of Christ's birth. 

You might claim to be an atheist or a non-Christian; but may I remind you...if you believe in your birthday...then it automatically suggests you believe in Christ's if you don't believe in Christ's coming then it suggests you don't possibly have a birthday...which either makes you a liar all your life or a confused human being. 

In the spirit of love and celebration, I will like to encourage you to embrace living an impactful life beginning from today. 
Make a decision that 2018 will not just be an ordinary year but a year in which you will affect lives positively both locally and Internationally just like Christ had set the example. 

You will not fail!

On be half of the team at WOW INT'L I would like to say...

Good morning and Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, 20 December 2017


It is the season of Christmas once again and as the custom of some families are, it is normal to prepare for guests, hence the need for preparation of a guest list, list of menu to be prepared and list of gifts to purchase. 

There is one fundamental driver to the above preparation and that is the answer to the question: HOW MANY PEOPLE AM I EXPECTING? 

Cooking for 50 is never the same as cooking for 500. Cooking for 500 is not the same as cooking for 5,000 and cooking for 5,000 is not the same as cooking for the world.

True greatness is only measured by the size of impact. 
In your area of business, how many are you 'cooking' for?
In your area of calling, gifting or assignment, how many are you cooking for? 
When I see the magnitude of your preparation, I can tell you the size of your impact list. Those who intend to cook for 5,000 do not have the same lifestyle as those who intend to cook for just 50 people. 

Stop envying lifestyles that reflect 'I have done enough' except you truly have done enough according to God's definition of enough. 

There is a verse of scripture that I love so much and it has brought a strong sense of responsibility since July 1995 upon my life...

Jesus said to his disciples in Matt. 5:14 are the light of THE WORLD...

It didn't say, the light of your family, 

It didn't say the light of your locality,

It didn't say the light of your country...

But the light of the world.

This is an indication of the size of your 'destiny impact list'. For the sake of leading by example, Jesus gave his life for THE WORLD by dying for the world. 

Jesus did not just die for those in his days but for the world ahead. This is the TRUE meaning of greatness according to God's standard. 
Start where you are but have the world in your vision and prepare accordingly.

You will not fail God!

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Work It Now [WIN] Series: Episode 7

Wisdom is the principal thing: Get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get UNDERSTANDING. Pro. 4:7 KJV (Paraphrase are author's). 

Knowledge is the foundation for any potentially great accomplishment, however, Understanding is the pillar that supports the entire structure of such a potentially great accomplishment. 

When understanding is out of place...everything collapses to level 1 - the foundation. 

You can talk about it does not mean you understand it. Don't misinterpret eloquence for soundness. 

Whatsoever you are yet to understand, you can not master and only what you master benefits you. The world does not reward people for having knowledge, the world rewards people for solving problems. 

A problem that is fully understood is a problem that can be fully solved. 

It's important you understand the demands of your future. It's important you understand the quality of discipline and hard work that is expected of you, in order to be able to deliver your dreams. 

Stop working by assumptions...go for understanding. When you understand will gain speed; when you understand how it will emerge as the leader in that field. 
Shallow men pride themselves in the eloquence that comes with knowledge...Men of depth pride themselves in the quietness that comes with understanding. 

Get understanding today. 


1. What do you know about the next phase of your project?
2. Based on that knowledge, what can you deduce as your next logical line of action?
3. What resources do you require to execute your next line of action? 

It's time to Work It Now...It's time to WIN. 

Good morning and Happy Mid-Week!

Sunday, 17 December 2017


Noah started building the ark as instructed by God; he didn't have to see the flood nor rain before he started committing to the building of the ark. 

We need to get ready to start navigating new and unconventional territories. 

Pay critical attention to some of the inspired thoughts coming your way: These might not be ideas for today but ideas to position you for the next phase of an industry. 

You need to anticipate the revolution and make a resolution to position accordingly. It's important you anticipate change and create systems to absorb the change. 

Opportunities will arise from supposed adversities but it takes those who anticipated the change way before the change to fully maximise the change. 

It might are enjoying some help in certain areas of your life today; you need to get ready for the days ahead when the help will no longer be available. 

It might be you are in paid employment today and it appears your job is secure but it's important you still anticipate a sudden twist and plan accordingly. 

"...When there is no Vision, the people perish.." (Pro. 29:18).
The best time to anticipate a change is when things appear to be extremely comfortable. 

Think and live 5 years ahead of today. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 13 December 2017


 Until you get to the point where you literally get out of your comfort zone, leaving your excuses and stories behind, leaving your inabilities and inadequacies and also leaving yourself behind and go all out in search of greatness, you will never get to it. 

Dear friends, may I impress it on your mind today, that greatness is a long way from home (your comfort zone). I hear you talk about it, I hear you always preparing for it, I hear you discuss it, when will you take your first step and be on the move? 

At the beginning of 2014, you said you will give up those lazy and 'do nothing friends', you said you will go out there and get yourself a job in line with your passion, you promised to work on your character, etc. It's the end of the year already, what exactly have you done? 

Let me show you how far you still have to go...

the day Moses brought Israel out of Egypt, was not the day, they arrived at Canaan. The red sea was just ahead, the wilderness was their next experience. 

The day Abraham left his father's house was not the day, he got the promise. He had to go through his testing phase, so as to sharpen him for what lies ahead.

The day David brought down the head of Goliath, was not the day he ascended the throne. He had to deal with the envy and bitterness of his boss, King Saul.   

I thought for the mere fact that Jesus got baptised and a voice came down from heaven to validate his assignment should have made everyone to believe on him...No, it didn't. 

But all of these great men would not have ascended their place in Destiny if they didn't dare to GO ALL OUT for it. 

Moses left his Palacios Pharoah's apartment to go in search of it. 

Abraham left his Daddy's mansion to go for it. 

David left his proximity to home just in case of trouble and came all the way to meet a battle he was not physically prepared for but couldn't afford to miss his chance BECAUSE HE KNEW EXACTLY what he was out for. You thought he went to give his brothers food, but this is what he had to say for himself when he got bullied.

'...Is there not a cause?' 1 Samuel 17:29

If he had delivered the food, shouldn't he have returned home...? He was on a search.

Jesus left Heaven, no wonder at his return (after 33 years) God gave him a name that is above every other name. 

Friends, I want to believe you can appreciate just how far greatness is away from your home (comfort zone). 


Being average is so comfortable, but it is a prison. It's your turn, It's your time to leave the prison and comfort of average and respond to the call of greatness within you.

Till when next we come your way, GO (ALL OUT) FOR IT. 

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Work It Now [WIN] Series: Episode 6

A fundamental difference between you and the man ahead of you is "sleep". Sleep in this context doesn't necessarily connote laying down to rest.

"Sleep" in this context is the inability to function productively. 

You can be awake but still asleep: You are in class does not mean you are learning; you showed up at work doesn't mean you are productively engaging; the interesting part is some people might be so asleep that others are making money on them sleeping and yet they can't see it.

Jacob beat Laban to his own game by an inspired idea on how to make the cattle breed offsprings with spots. 

Joseph although in Prison yet wasn't asleep mentally, providing sound and visionary counsel. 

Your problem is not your position, colour, sex or are simply "asleep". 

In several scriptures the Bible always described Jesus by the following: 

"For he already had in Mind...what he was going to do" Jn. 6:6.

Spirituality does not suggest you suspend the use of your brain.

Whatever you fail to put into will eventually lose. 

If your brain is not in constant won't be active; when it's not active, over time it goes into a default "sleep mode". And when their is a "mental emergency" you are stranded because your brain needs to reboot...and sometimes before it is done rebooting the opportunity is gone. 

"Stop sleeping"


1. How long have you been sleeping in your business/career?

2. What will you do today to change your mental inactivity. 

3. Spend time daily to THINK through your tasks. 

It's time to Work It Now...It's time to WIN. 

Good morning and Happy Mid-Week!

Sunday, 10 December 2017


 In Genesis 41, Joseph interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh and suggested as a Nation they will go through two economic phases...hence there is the need to get ready for the second phase (Famine) in the course of the first phase (Plenty). 

Everyone goes through their season of plenty: There is the time when you are young, and the time you will lose your youthfulness; a time where some people will be in paid employment and a time they might either be retired or laid off, there is a time when you are newly married (less expenses) and a time when kids come along (more expenses), etc. 

How are you getting ready for that change? What plans are you making today to enable you secure the ''second phase''? 

Joseph did not prescribe Prayers, neither did he ask them to fast (Gen. 41:33); he told Pharaoh you will need a man who is "Discreet and Wise". It goes to say...Wisdom is a necessary requirement if we must go through the "Phase change" successfully. 

When you look at the economy, what do you see? When you look at your career, what can you see? 

When you look at the rate at which prices and the cost of living is skyrocketing, what can you see? 

It's time to be strategic, it's time to begin to apply yourself to Sound Financial and Economic principles. 

Prayers and Fasting will not make you escape "Hardship" it is Wisdom that will make you go through Hardship successfully. 

"...and Wisdom and Knowledge shall be the STABILITY of thy TIMES..." Isa. 33:6 KJV (paraphrase are author's).

Those who do not plant trees today, will not have shelter to shield them from the harshness of the Sun tomorrow. 

Remember it is not a day or two it's a phase: In Pharaoh's was a seven year period of Famine. 

Not everything in vogue is meant for you; you don't have to attend every ceremony mostly if you are from Africa where certain ceremonies must be attended by a certain type of outfit that has to be bought or paid for. 

Don't eat your tomorrow today; "Get ready" and again...I say "Get ready". 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Wednesday, 6 December 2017


Being successful at any endeavour in life requires a 'know how'. It does not matter how complex it seems, all you need to do is settle down and understand the 'how to' and then diligently apply yourself there in and you will become a star. 

To most of us, launching a rocket might come across as a mountainous task, why? We lack the 'know how'. But to an expert in the field, it is a basic operation. 


You either know 'how to' or you don't. A wise man once said,

"a man without skill will kill"

Let us see what the bible says:

The Labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knows not HOW TO go to the city. Eccl 10:15

Diligence with little information is a labour that makes weary. Knowing your destination (the city) does not guarantee arrival at destination. 
For instance, as little children we all shouted what we will like to become when we grow older, whenever the question was asked, right?

Someone screamed 'a pilot' others said 'a captain' etc. That is knowing the destination but arriving at the destination will require 

1. the discovery of the 'how to' become...
2. the application of one's self to the 'how to'

All of these brings us to the following questions:

1. Where are you going in life (destination)?
2. Have you settled down to discover how to get there?
3. Have you been applying yourself diligently?

Older married couples always say, there is a lot of divorce in homes today because most young people ASSUME they know 'how to' run a successful home/marriage. 

Hence their assumption delivered its full package. 

Would you engage the services of a pilot who 'thinks' he can fly your plane? 

Would you engage someone as a legal professional who says he was anointed to be a barrister? 

When you visit the garage for your car to be fixed, stop arguing...if you knew what the problem was, wouldn't you have fixed it? You say, he charged too much, but in reality that's how much your ignorance on the subject is costing you. 

As a business man, how much are you investing in yourself so as to 'know how' to run a successful business?

As a potential parent, how much are you investing in yourself in order to 'know how' to raise sound and responsible kids? 

Knowing the city/goal/destination is not enough. It's time to sit down and discover 'how to' get there. 

I will leave you with this: 

a successful flight is achieved because every major component of the plane is functioning optimally. There are four basic component in an individual's life:

1. Relationship with God
2. Career/Business/Calling 
3. Family
4. Character Development 

If you fully comprehend how much you need to invest in all four areas, you will stop wasting time. Hence I say,

A successful life is a life that is successful in all four major components.

Remember you can not assume a 'know how'.

Till when next we come your way, settle down and discover 'HOW TO GET INTO THE CITY'.