Wednesday, 6 December 2017


Being successful at any endeavour in life requires a 'know how'. It does not matter how complex it seems, all you need to do is settle down and understand the 'how to' and then diligently apply yourself there in and you will become a star. 

To most of us, launching a rocket might come across as a mountainous task, why? We lack the 'know how'. But to an expert in the field, it is a basic operation. 


You either know 'how to' or you don't. A wise man once said,

"a man without skill will kill"

Let us see what the bible says:

The Labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knows not HOW TO go to the city. Eccl 10:15

Diligence with little information is a labour that makes weary. Knowing your destination (the city) does not guarantee arrival at destination. 
For instance, as little children we all shouted what we will like to become when we grow older, whenever the question was asked, right?

Someone screamed 'a pilot' others said 'a captain' etc. That is knowing the destination but arriving at the destination will require 

1. the discovery of the 'how to' become...
2. the application of one's self to the 'how to'

All of these brings us to the following questions:

1. Where are you going in life (destination)?
2. Have you settled down to discover how to get there?
3. Have you been applying yourself diligently?

Older married couples always say, there is a lot of divorce in homes today because most young people ASSUME they know 'how to' run a successful home/marriage. 

Hence their assumption delivered its full package. 

Would you engage the services of a pilot who 'thinks' he can fly your plane? 

Would you engage someone as a legal professional who says he was anointed to be a barrister? 

When you visit the garage for your car to be fixed, stop arguing...if you knew what the problem was, wouldn't you have fixed it? You say, he charged too much, but in reality that's how much your ignorance on the subject is costing you. 

As a business man, how much are you investing in yourself so as to 'know how' to run a successful business?

As a potential parent, how much are you investing in yourself in order to 'know how' to raise sound and responsible kids? 

Knowing the city/goal/destination is not enough. It's time to sit down and discover 'how to' get there. 

I will leave you with this: 

a successful flight is achieved because every major component of the plane is functioning optimally. There are four basic component in an individual's life:

1. Relationship with God
2. Career/Business/Calling 
3. Family
4. Character Development 

If you fully comprehend how much you need to invest in all four areas, you will stop wasting time. Hence I say,

A successful life is a life that is successful in all four major components.

Remember you can not assume a 'know how'.

Till when next we come your way, settle down and discover 'HOW TO GET INTO THE CITY'.

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