Wednesday, 13 December 2017


 Until you get to the point where you literally get out of your comfort zone, leaving your excuses and stories behind, leaving your inabilities and inadequacies and also leaving yourself behind and go all out in search of greatness, you will never get to it. 

Dear friends, may I impress it on your mind today, that greatness is a long way from home (your comfort zone). I hear you talk about it, I hear you always preparing for it, I hear you discuss it, when will you take your first step and be on the move? 

At the beginning of 2014, you said you will give up those lazy and 'do nothing friends', you said you will go out there and get yourself a job in line with your passion, you promised to work on your character, etc. It's the end of the year already, what exactly have you done? 

Let me show you how far you still have to go...

the day Moses brought Israel out of Egypt, was not the day, they arrived at Canaan. The red sea was just ahead, the wilderness was their next experience. 

The day Abraham left his father's house was not the day, he got the promise. He had to go through his testing phase, so as to sharpen him for what lies ahead.

The day David brought down the head of Goliath, was not the day he ascended the throne. He had to deal with the envy and bitterness of his boss, King Saul.   

I thought for the mere fact that Jesus got baptised and a voice came down from heaven to validate his assignment should have made everyone to believe on him...No, it didn't. 

But all of these great men would not have ascended their place in Destiny if they didn't dare to GO ALL OUT for it. 

Moses left his Palacios Pharoah's apartment to go in search of it. 

Abraham left his Daddy's mansion to go for it. 

David left his proximity to home just in case of trouble and came all the way to meet a battle he was not physically prepared for but couldn't afford to miss his chance BECAUSE HE KNEW EXACTLY what he was out for. You thought he went to give his brothers food, but this is what he had to say for himself when he got bullied.

'...Is there not a cause?' 1 Samuel 17:29

If he had delivered the food, shouldn't he have returned home...? He was on a search.

Jesus left Heaven, no wonder at his return (after 33 years) God gave him a name that is above every other name. 

Friends, I want to believe you can appreciate just how far greatness is away from your home (comfort zone). 


Being average is so comfortable, but it is a prison. It's your turn, It's your time to leave the prison and comfort of average and respond to the call of greatness within you.

Till when next we come your way, GO (ALL OUT) FOR IT. 

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