Sunday, 31 December 2017


By the end of 2018, your goals will either remain items on a "To-Do" list or  items on a "Completed" list. You will either have results to show or stories to tell. Some people might have a list of excuses why they couldn't achieve what they were supposed to or they will have a list of persons to blame. 

Before you end 2018 like you just ended's important you develop an effective strategy on how to make sure you do everything you set out to do. 

What then is strategy? 

A strategy is a PRACTICAL and WELL THOUGHT out approach to achieving any or a combination of clearly defined deliverables using available resources. 

I know you have a list that has your goals...It's important you create another list for strategy. I know you have a "prayer request" list...I will still strongly advice you have a strategy list. 

You can pray for rainfall but the seeds won't plant themselves. 

When Jesus decided he was to feed the multitude, He instructed his disciples...

"...Make them sit down in fifties..." Lk. 9:14

Jesus...I mean "the miracle worker" was strategic. 

Even God was strategic with creating the world...How do I mean? 

How come He created "Light" first [Gen. 1:1-3]?

Nobody can work effectively in darkness...your ideas, skills and competencies not withstanding, if you attempt to be creative in the dark, you will likely end up in the Hospital before your project is through. 

Prayer cannot replace strategic thinking; fasting does not necessarily make things deliver faster. 

Being spiritual does not suggest, you should suspend the EFFECTIVE USE of your Brain capacity. 

If you lack strategy, you will lack results. 

You will not fail!

On behalf of the team at WOW INT'L I would like to say...

Good morning and Happy New Year!

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