Sunday, 30 April 2017
Congratulations and welcome to a brand new Month
Jesus was speaking once, when he established a powerful success principle; he said
"...whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain..." Matt. 5:41
He was simply asking you to go the extra mile for another person; but the question is...How does that translate to you? It simply suggests that, when it comes to your should at least always go the extra mile.
This Month, we will be considering the theme NO WEEKENDS and our focus will be on Commitment.
Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do, long after the mood you said it in has left you.
Your dreams don't recognise, demands your full commitment.
Congratulations once again and happy new month!
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
It is one thing to be heard and it is entirely something different to be valued; they both come with different demands. Actually one is a lot cheaper than the other, What does it take to be heard? Just speak. But to be valued will place a demand on our character, personal discipline, personal leadership, ability to be calm and coordinated in the midst of adversity, etc. The list is just endless. It's hard work, yes...real hardwork.

It is not about colour, it is not about your sex or race. It is simply about VALUE. To have your say, to have your way, to be effortlessly influential, let us think about being valuable; because when we are, even when we are quiet, work coleagues will seek for your contribution.
''....sometimes we want to buy a Bentley at the price of a Beatle...''
Jesus was heard and was valued, Joseph (as a prisoner and a slave) was heard and was valued, you too...yes! I mean you too can be heard as well as valued. It takes a choice to be the one who is valued. Those who want to be heard, always complain and nag if their opinions are not taken but those who want to be valued, temporarily ignores every one and focus on developing and improving their values and it only takes time before the world starts to assemble at their office for relevant counsel.
You are a Bentley, stop settling for the status of a Beatle. Think becoming valued, not becoming heard. Remember, talk is cheap and just anybody can talk...but TRUE value is cultivated.
Sunday, 23 April 2017
A fundamental characteristic of a powerful thought is that it cuts through barriers. As a matter of fact it does not recognise the existence of barriers.
When David was before before Goliath, he didn't see Goliath, he saw 3 things:
1. He saw a bird (not a Giant)
2. He saw his Father's Household being free
3. He saw how glorious it will be to become the son-in-law to King Saul
The woman with the issue of blood had a mammoth crowd to deal with, but her thought was so powerful..
1. From her thought realm she imagined the anointing of Jesus flowing through his garment. [Friends, it has never been heard or imagined before, she didn't have to be his disciple or a wife to one of his disciples...Her thinking was just powerful and God delivered her expectation].
2. She saw herself touching the garment, the crowd notwithstanding.
It's important to state that..."in your mental realm you are never limited" however, our imaginations set our mental limits.
What do I mean?
Your mind cannot process whatever your imagination hasn't captured. If you have never SUSTAINED the imagination of yourself becoming an Olympic Gold medalist, your mind cannot process the "how to achieve".
Until your thought jumps over the hurdle, your body cannot go over it, until you change position in your thoughts, your physical status remains the same.
So far the outcomes and possibilities in your life is a true reflection of the power your thought life possesses; the good news is, you can step up your "thought voltage".
The best and the easiest way to win in life, is to win in your arena; your mental frame is yours...practice winning there. Because the truth is what happens their usually becomes your reality.
Behind what is called "Possible" is a thought...Behind what is called "Impossible" is also a thought.
What are you thinking...How Powerful is that thought?
If your goals are only achievable in a "Mega Horsepower Thought" realm...your "Kilovolts thoughts" won't deliver them.
Step-up your Thought Voltage!
You will not fail!
Good morning and Happy New Week!
Sunday, 16 April 2017
A wise man once said
"you are not a billionaire because your account statement says so; you become a billionaire from that point in time YOU CONSCIOUSLY BEGIN TO THINK LIKE ONE"
The difference between a powerful thought pattern and all other thought patterns is the empowerment that comes with it.
Check this out...
At 90 years old (without a child), God gave Abraham a new frame of thinking by changing his name...God said...
"Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram...but...Abraham; for a FATHER of MANY NATIONS have I MADE THEE" Gen. 17:5 KJV (Paraphrase are author's).
At 90 years without a child...God called him a FATHER...and then established that frame by putting it in a PAST PERFECT tense...
He didn't say..."shall make","will make", "thinking of making". No!
He said.."have I MADE...MADE...MADE...MADE..thee"
A powerful thought is that frame of mind that considers the subject of the thought process as already perfected. You are not trying to become "it" you have accomplished "it" already.
This is the difference between achievers and under achievers. The later always think about it before they start to take steps; the former say "it is done let's go bring it home".
Do you need to start a business? Start behaving as a business owner. Your problem is not capital, neither is the devil stopping are not just powerful enough thought wise.
A group of men in Genesis 11 (v6), had a THOUGHT to build a structure that will reach the heavens...but even without laying the first block, God was sooo convinced they will succeed...and so HE did something about it...HE CAME DOWN.
May your THOUGHTS BE POWERFUL ENOUGH to move God to help you...
You will not fail!
Good morning and Happy New Week!
Sunday, 9 April 2017
What comes before a Thought? How do I sustain a continuous flow of Powerful Thoughts?
A thought is just like a Fruit from a Apple does not decide where it will spring up from. A Guava fruit, does not suddenly decide to show up on a Mango tree.
The type of tree determines the type of fruit.
You need to decide who you want to become...Hold on a second...I didn't say, validate...or justify whom you have always been...NO! From where you are now in life...make new decisions.
As Trees come before precedes Thoughts.
I tell young men...before you get into a relationship, decide what kind of partner you want to become...because if you don't circumstances would decide what kind of partner you will be. It takes only a thought to be abusive but it takes a PREDETERMINED decision TO BE SELF CONTROLLED to shut down the flow of abusive thoughts.
Jesus said...
"No man puts a piece of NEW CLOTH unto an old garment...Neither do men put new wine into old bottles...but they put NEW WINE into NEW BOTTLES..." Matt. 9:16-17 KJV (paraphrase are author's).
Who you are determines the type and quality of thoughts you will attract.
A lazy man always thinks of "sleeping", "wants to go on holidays and take breaks...even after achieving nothing" .
Stop being a waster of resources and expect to become a serial entrepreneur.
You can either carry-on with the way you have always been, by making irresponsible excuses for whom you have become over time...and still get frustrated for things not being better; or you decide to change into something Different and then you see different out comes.
Indecision in itself is also a the question is...
What kind of fruit do you desire to see...what kind of Tree are you?
You will not fail!
Good morning and Happy New Week!
Sunday, 2 April 2017
To become anything in life, we must first of all "welcome the thought" of becoming that thing, allow ourselves to be "possessed by the thought" and then begin to "behave the thought" by taking appropriate steps to becoming "it".
The above sequence will always take place before you will take any action.
Now, to welcome a thought, one will have to give it "reception", and just like you welcome a visitor, you make the thought "comfortable". But whether or not the visitor will become a "resident" is entirely up to you.
If you don't want to become FeARfuL..don't welcome thoughts that empower Fear.
If you don't want to become a LiABiLiTY...don't welcome thoughts that empower laziness.
So, the question is WHAT DO YOU FEED YOUR MIND? What TV programs do you watch? What sort of conversations are you interested in?
Let me say this...80% of people who failed at attempting to do anything and never tried again have spent time exposing their minds (either by hearing, reading or watching) to people who failed at attempting to do things and gave up.
As a single person, Why do you spend time watching TV series that talk about broken homes? What do you want to learn...better still...what are you setting up yourself for?
If you are looking for income earning opportunities and you have a friend who consistently tells you of how hard the times better DISCONTINUE such a friendship.
" then faith (fear) cometh by HEARING, AND HEARING by the Word of God (of cool but unprofitable discussions)..." Rom. 10:17 (KJV, paraphrase are author's).
What you don't don't create a reception for.
You will not fail!
Good morning and Happy New Week!
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