Sunday, 16 April 2017


A wise man once said 

"you are not a billionaire because your account statement says so; you become a billionaire from that point in time YOU CONSCIOUSLY BEGIN TO THINK LIKE ONE"

The difference between a powerful thought pattern and all other thought patterns is the empowerment that comes with it. 

Check this out...

At 90 years old (without a child), God gave Abraham a new frame of thinking by changing his name...God said...

"Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram...but...Abraham; for a FATHER of MANY NATIONS have I MADE THEE" Gen. 17:5 KJV (Paraphrase are author's). 

At 90 years without a child...God called him a FATHER...and then established that frame by putting it in a PAST PERFECT tense...

He didn't say..."shall make","will make", "thinking of making". No!

He said.."have I MADE...MADE...MADE...MADE..thee"

A powerful thought is that frame of mind that considers the subject of the thought process as already perfected. You are not trying to become "it" you have accomplished "it" already. 

This is the difference between achievers and under achievers. The later always think about it before they start to take steps; the former say "it is done let's go bring it home". 

Do you need to start a business? Start behaving as a business owner. Your problem is not capital, neither is the devil stopping are not just powerful enough thought wise. 

A group of men in Genesis 11 (v6), had a THOUGHT to build a structure that will reach the heavens...but even without laying the first block, God was sooo convinced they will succeed...and so HE did something about it...HE CAME DOWN. 

May your THOUGHTS BE POWERFUL ENOUGH to move God to help you...

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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