Sunday, 9 April 2017


What comes before a Thought? How do I sustain a continuous flow of Powerful Thoughts?

A thought is just like a Fruit from a Apple does not decide where it will spring up from. A Guava fruit, does not suddenly decide to show up on a Mango tree. 

The type of tree determines the type of fruit.

You need to decide who you want to become...Hold  on a second...I didn't say, validate...or justify whom you have always been...NO! From where you are now in life...make new decisions. 

As Trees come before precedes Thoughts. 

I tell young men...before you get into a relationship, decide what kind of partner you want to become...because if you don't circumstances would decide what kind of partner you will be. It takes only a thought to be abusive but it takes a PREDETERMINED decision TO BE SELF CONTROLLED to shut down the flow of abusive thoughts. 

Jesus said...

"No man puts a piece of NEW CLOTH unto an old garment...Neither do men put new wine into old bottles...but they put NEW WINE into NEW BOTTLES..." Matt. 9:16-17 KJV (paraphrase are author's). 

Who you are determines the type  and quality of thoughts you will attract. 

A lazy man always thinks of "sleeping", "wants to go on holidays and take breaks...even after achieving nothing" . 

Stop being a waster of resources and expect to become a serial entrepreneur. 

You can either carry-on with the way you have always been, by making irresponsible excuses for whom you have become over time...and still get frustrated for things not being better; or you decide to change into something Different and then you see different out comes. 

Indecision in itself is also a the question is...

What kind of fruit do you desire to see...what kind of Tree are you?

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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