Sunday, 2 April 2017


 To become anything in life, we must first of all "welcome the thought" of becoming that thing, allow ourselves to be "possessed by the thought" and then begin to "behave the thought" by taking appropriate steps to becoming "it". 

The above sequence will always take place before you will take any action. 

Now, to welcome a thought, one will have to give it "reception", and just like you welcome a visitor, you make the thought "comfortable". But whether or not the visitor will become a "resident" is entirely up to you. 

If you don't want to become FeARfuL..don't welcome thoughts that empower Fear. 

If you don't want to become a LiABiLiTY...don't welcome thoughts that empower laziness. 

So, the question is WHAT DO YOU FEED YOUR MIND? What TV programs do you watch? What sort of conversations are you interested in? 

Let me say this...80% of people who failed at attempting to do anything and never tried again have spent time exposing their minds (either by hearing, reading or watching) to people who failed at attempting to do things and gave up. 

As a single person, Why do you spend time watching  TV series that talk about broken homes? What do you want to learn...better still...what are you setting up yourself for? 

If you are looking for income earning opportunities and you have a friend who consistently tells you of how hard the times better DISCONTINUE such a friendship. 

" then faith (fear) cometh by HEARING, AND HEARING by the Word of God (of cool but unprofitable discussions)..." Rom. 10:17 (KJV, paraphrase are author's). 

What you don't don't create a reception for.

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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