Sunday, 14 May 2017


Years ago, I read a book titled "AN ENEMY CALLED AVERAGE". 

Lately, I have come to conclude THE real ENEMY is not AVERAGE, because AVERAGE is just an output of some type of input. 

The real enemy is "HALF-HEARTED" Commitment. It's a commitment that doesn't stretch you.

A prophet died indebted and the creditors were to take his two sons as slaves: Elisha, the man of God asked the widow what she had? In her response, she said,  she had nothing but a jar of oil...Elisha gave her a specific instruction: 

"Go borrow...vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; BORROW NOT A FEW (Don't hold back..go all the way).." 2 Kings 4:3 (KJV Paraphrase are author's). 

Now, she did what was instructed, however, God could only fill as much vessels as she gathered. By the time the vessels were all filled, the miracle in the oil stopped. She sold them and paid off the debt of her dead husband.

WHAT IF SHE GAVE HER ALL and got twice or thrice as much vessels as she initially gathered? 

Friends, God CANNOT BLESS YOU BEYOND YOUR STRETCH. Elisha asked her to go beyond the vessels she had...He said "GO ABROAD","BORROW NOT A FEW". 

There is a deluge of Success coming your way...but it will demand a STRETCHED Commitment. 

Don't tell me "I believe I can make it to the top" until you tell me, how much you want to sacrifice: How much of your time, resources, sleep and comfort that you want to give up for your dream. 

Why waste valuable time in the name of "it's a weekend"? Let your Productive input to your goal go beyond week days. 

Ordinary men talk about "hours of input", Average men talk about "diligence" but men who reach out to the world talk "Sacrificial Commitment".

No one is to blame for your level of success!

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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