You stepped into a function, you introduced yourself. 'Hi, my name is...' When children step out of the womb and arrive on earth, they are given names. As a professional, you met someone whom you think could drive potential business opportunities your way, you leave a business card. Why all these naming and identification at various levels?
Does it shock you, how sometimes you are moved to favour those who bare the same first or last name? Some people have got jobs just because of their surnames. Permit me to say...
In the pursuit of destiny, the challenges and questions of life are only here to ask us two basic questions:
1. Who are you?
2. Is your everyday mentality in alignment with who you say you are?
Before destiny can be maximally realised, there has to be a mental introduction of who we are. Now, when we attempt to be in pursuit of destiny without a proper definition and understanding of who we are, we end up with 'identity crisis'. Little wonder most organisations have a motto.
Identity in destiny is simply 'What are you saying about yourself in relation to your assignment, position or engagement'?
It is so funny that people address us by our identification. If you say your name is Esther, nobody calls you Joan. YOU ARE ONLY PERMITTED TO BE CALLED WHAT YOU CALL YOURSELF.
Identity does not have to be just names. Identity reflects in our
- outlook,
- appearance,
- self carriage
- conversation
One of my mentors said, as a young black American growing in the poorest of places 'I learnt to dress as a PROSPECT not a SUSPECT'. He gave a definition to his appearance and today, he is one of the foremost inspirational speakers - LES BROWN.

Until our mental Identity changes of who we are, our present realities would remain the same.
Hey! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LOOK LIKE IT, THINK LIKE IT! Did David looked like he could physically face Goliath? Did Joseph (prisoner in a foreign land) look like he was heading for the throne? They both HAD A MENTAL REHEARSAL - VISUALISED IT ENOUGH TO BEHAVE LIKE IT...guess what? There circumstances changed, why? As a man is he. (Pro. 23:7a)
If you have a business challenge, family crisis or you are a single desiring a fantastic relationship, maybe you are in debt, etc. It is time for a change! But change must come from INSIDE-OUT not OUTSIDE-IN.
John 1:22-23 '...who art thou...what sayeth thou of thyself...?
Till when next I see you, KEEP RENEWING YOUR IDENTITY
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