Monday, 30 April 2018


Dear Friend, 

Congratulations and welcome to a brand new month. 

There is the man who is comfortable with having sliced bread for breakfast every morning; there is the man who just wants to be the bread supplier and then there is the man, who wants to own the bakery. 

The scope of your vision is what determines the size of your future. 

Destination is not speed determined but dream determined. What you can't are not entitled to have.

Why not join us this month as we explore the theme: HOW FAR CAN YOU CLEARLY SEE? 
Gen. 13:14-15

Congratulations once again and Happy New Month! 


Sunday, 29 April 2018


Success in any adventure in our lives will always be down to the picture we have about ourselves. You can be very "religious" or very "superstitious" it still won't override the effect, your mentality has in the outcomes of your life. 

God had very fantastic plans for Abram; but because of his age, I guess Abram had difficulty seeing the possibility of those plans. 

What did God do? He upgraded Abram's mentality.  

What's the use of changing a man's name at old age? It helps him to SEE HIMSELF DIFFERENTLY.

How you see yourself will always impact on the size of your dreams. 

When Joseph was in Potiphar's house as a steward, he settled; he momentarily stopped dreaming and so, circumstances took over; but when he got into the prison, Joseph refused to settle...He consciously took charge of his mental space...started seeing himself differently...Joseph wanted out and he knew the first and most critical step out is to be mentally out of that place. 

In my opinion Joseph could ask for the favour because long before that moment, he already left the prison mentally.

What "prison" are you today in life? 
Do not settle! Do not leave things to chance!

Joseph first saw himself differently and then he made a strategic move by asking for what he actually wants-to be out!

It's time to "WANT OUT" of that situation (that job, health challenges, financial crises, etc), but you have to see yourself out already and act accordingly. 

Do not settle for a life less than you deserve!

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 22 April 2018


"...and all the men of Israel, when they saw the man (Goliath), fled from him, and were sore afraid..." 1 Sam. 17:24

What are you afraid of...and why are you afraid of it? 

Do not give up on a dream because of an expert or analyst opinion on the matter. 

It is very normal to be wary of things "society" has tagged "impossible". More so, when you appear to be inexperienced considering your age or supposed limitation in training and resources available to you. 

If you will amount to anything in life or in your pursuit, you must have to learn to see yourself differently. 

Learn to focus on the goal and not the statistics. 
Stop quoting the analyst...start reciting your own mission statement. 

The potential of your capacity can not be determined by some existing statistics. Everyone failed does not suggest you too will fail. 

"It is a widely held opinion" doesn't necessarily make it True. 

Don't give up on anything until you have made series of unsuccessful attempts. 

If you see challenges from the eyes of a non achiever, it is usually twice its original size. If you look at the same challenge from the eyes of an achiever, it is usually half its original size. 

But when you look at challenges from your own tend not to see them, why? All you see is your goal.

Everyone saw Goliath, David saw the rewards taking out Goliath will fetch him. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 15 April 2018


"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me..." Phil. 4:13

It sounds humble to accredit every performance and outcome to God; however, it is also important to note that God has given everyone capacity. But the potency of this capacity is down to how we see ourselves and how much responsibility we want to take. 

God will never be responsible for your personal hygiene, No! He has given you capacity for that.

In taking on Goliath, David trusted in God's deliverance but God was not the one who gave the slingshot. 

You cannot afford to sit back and say God will do it; there is a reason why God has given you capacity.  

If you want to go into a business, the first thing, is to believe in your God-given capacity to make that business work. 
If you want to begin a project, the first thing, is to believe in your God-given capacity to deliver on the project. 

Believe it or not, you have capacity; how do I know? 

Angels didn't build Airplanes, Cars or ships...but men did. Men who believed in their God-given capacity. 

The house you are currently living in, wasn't designed and built by Angels...Men built it. 

It's time you start seeing your self properly and begin to place appropriate demands on your God given capacity. 

Your problem is not the devil, your problem is not "enemies", your problem is not the "Government" of the nation you reside in, your real problem is lack of value for the capacity God gave you. 

Stop seeing those who sleep for half the hours you sleep as superhuman, you too have the capacity. The man who has better outcomes in his business is not any more special than yourself. It's all about capacity. 

Don't mistaken a closed tap for lack of water. If you don't place a demand on that tap, you won't experience the over flow.

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 8 April 2018


The size of any challenge is relative to the perception of the size of our self concept. 

In other words, there is no big or small challenge, if it is supposedly "big" it is because we see ourselves as too small; if it is supposedly  "small" it is because we see ourselves as too big. 

As a prisoner and a foreigner, it was suppose to be a big deal considering an appointment at the Palace, but Joseph saw himself as someone worth working in the office of Pharaoh, hence he made the move via Pharoah's servants. 

Who told you, you can't work in that establishment? 

Who says you can't work in the office of the Consulate General? 
It is not your Certification that qualifies you, rather, it is your Mentality that qualifies you. It is not your training that gives you the edge, but your Powerful Mental Attitude. 

David, a civilian (shepherd boy) in the presence of other trained Israeli soldiers...took on Goliath: a General and a Warlord you may say. 

Your qualifications and certifications notwithstanding, until...your mentality qualifies you, your position won't change. 

How big are you in relation to what's in front of you?

The size and the quality of the opportunities you are pursuing, is a clue as to how much you think you are worth. 

Those opportunities are not for "them"....why are you eliminating yourself? 

It's time to revaluate how you see yourself. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 1 April 2018


 "...and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so were we in their sight..." Num. 13:33 KJV. 

Man has two major challenges: 

1.  To know and understand who s/he is and then...
2. To continuously see himself and continuously operate based on who s/he is.

Until there is self-identification, there can't be self-actualisation. 

You don't become an Accountant before you study Accounting, No! You see yourself as an Accountant and then you pursue a degree in Accounting. 

Most actions are not necessarily intention based; most actions are primarily rooted in the "self concept" of the individual before their intention and subsequent action. 

So...a "poor self-concept" will birth "poor intentions" which will lead to continuous regular "poor actions". 

The big question is...WHO AM I as against...
a. Who is the society (family, education, culture, religion, etc.) turning me into...

b. Who my present realities is turning me into....

To help anyone, help them change their "self-concept". 

You see this affects the entirety of our responses and reactions to life and the circumstances we find ourselves daily. 

It is easier to say "Maths is difficult" or "Calculation is not my thing" or "they are the brainy ones" but what if we rather saw ourselves as "My mind has the ability to take-on supposedly complex stuff" or "I see myself among the brainy ones in class"?

What you are going through now...doesn't have to change; you are the one who needs to change how you see yourself in relation to what you are going through. 

David did not change Goliath's size, nor discredited his war pedigree, he only saw himself twice as bigger, tougher, stronger than the giant in front of him. Someone will say but God was with him...yes, the same God that left those who saw themselves as grasshoppers. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!