Sunday, 1 April 2018


 "...and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so were we in their sight..." Num. 13:33 KJV. 

Man has two major challenges: 

1.  To know and understand who s/he is and then...
2. To continuously see himself and continuously operate based on who s/he is.

Until there is self-identification, there can't be self-actualisation. 

You don't become an Accountant before you study Accounting, No! You see yourself as an Accountant and then you pursue a degree in Accounting. 

Most actions are not necessarily intention based; most actions are primarily rooted in the "self concept" of the individual before their intention and subsequent action. 

So...a "poor self-concept" will birth "poor intentions" which will lead to continuous regular "poor actions". 

The big question is...WHO AM I as against...
a. Who is the society (family, education, culture, religion, etc.) turning me into...

b. Who my present realities is turning me into....

To help anyone, help them change their "self-concept". 

You see this affects the entirety of our responses and reactions to life and the circumstances we find ourselves daily. 

It is easier to say "Maths is difficult" or "Calculation is not my thing" or "they are the brainy ones" but what if we rather saw ourselves as "My mind has the ability to take-on supposedly complex stuff" or "I see myself among the brainy ones in class"?

What you are going through now...doesn't have to change; you are the one who needs to change how you see yourself in relation to what you are going through. 

David did not change Goliath's size, nor discredited his war pedigree, he only saw himself twice as bigger, tougher, stronger than the giant in front of him. Someone will say but God was with him...yes, the same God that left those who saw themselves as grasshoppers. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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