Sunday, 8 April 2018


The size of any challenge is relative to the perception of the size of our self concept. 

In other words, there is no big or small challenge, if it is supposedly "big" it is because we see ourselves as too small; if it is supposedly  "small" it is because we see ourselves as too big. 

As a prisoner and a foreigner, it was suppose to be a big deal considering an appointment at the Palace, but Joseph saw himself as someone worth working in the office of Pharaoh, hence he made the move via Pharoah's servants. 

Who told you, you can't work in that establishment? 

Who says you can't work in the office of the Consulate General? 
It is not your Certification that qualifies you, rather, it is your Mentality that qualifies you. It is not your training that gives you the edge, but your Powerful Mental Attitude. 

David, a civilian (shepherd boy) in the presence of other trained Israeli soldiers...took on Goliath: a General and a Warlord you may say. 

Your qualifications and certifications notwithstanding, until...your mentality qualifies you, your position won't change. 

How big are you in relation to what's in front of you?

The size and the quality of the opportunities you are pursuing, is a clue as to how much you think you are worth. 

Those opportunities are not for "them"....why are you eliminating yourself? 

It's time to revaluate how you see yourself. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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