Sunday, 18 June 2017


When you take a good look at yourself, with everything you are going through and have been through in life...are you still hopeful? Do you really think that goal/dream/Vision is still within your reach? Do you still EXPECT yourself to reach it?

Your past or present circumstance is only as powerful to stop you to the degree of powerlessness of your hopefulness and Personal Expectation.

How Powerful is your Hopefulness? 

He was called the Dreamer: Joseph had specific and clear dreams about whom he was going to be in the future; however, he had the experience of Slavery, wrongful imprisonment but with his sense of Hopefulness still alive ...he dared speak to his guys..."when you go back out there tell your boss, Pharaoh about me". 

The Favour he asked from his fellow inmates at their release had nothing to do with his release but had everything to do with his boyhood dreams. 

He saw clearly everyone (the sun and the moon and the eleven stars) bowing before him...

Ruth had a dream of being a loving wife and mother; and then suddenly death struck...attempting to deny her of that dream and soon she became a widow. 

But why would a widow stick around and still follow her bereaved widowed mother-in-law into a strange land? I call it the "Audacity of Hope". She faithfully served her mother-in-law but with her eyes opened. 

When Boaz showed up, she was guided accordingly and had her matrimonial dreams fully restored. 

Why are you giving your past so much power to stop your colourful future? 
Do you allow the pain of yesteryears to blur your vision of a bright and colourful tomorrow? 

Set yourself free...deliver yourself from that emotional prison. 

You have made the 299th unsuccessful application, so what? Make the 300th one. 

Your last business failed and you lost what? Listen up, start a new one. 

I don't care how many failures or setbacks you have's not a good enough excuse to pack up and live below your original dream/vision. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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