Sunday, 4 June 2017


The expectations we have about ourselves and our abilities will always determine how much we will accomplish in life.

When you tell a consumer, "this product is Versace" the consumer knows what to expect. When you tell a Gadget enthusiast, "this Laptop is an Apple product" there is an expectation. These customers will buy these products and immediately begin to place functional demands on the Product. 

Now, you are a Product from God...I mean you were originally designed in heaven by God and Packaged  to come via your parents; if you so believe in a man made product, why can't you believe in a God-made Product?

Let me show you the uniqueness of this Product called You:

1. "...for "You" have the mind of Christ..." 1 Corith. 2:16
2. "...God has not given "You" the spirit of fear...but of Power...and of a Sound Mind..." 2 Tim. 1:7

When will you start placing functional demands on your Mind? 

Friend, You are not a nobody...You were not created to just journey this earth without making a difference. The seal "God-Made" is a stronger brand than Versace, Armani, Louis Vuitton, Tommy Hilfiger, etc. 

To have little dreams shows how much value you have placed on this God-Made brand - You. 

To place little or no demand on that "Sound Mind" of yours is you under-utilising the Manufacturer's product. 

Who else should make news headlines if not you?
Who else should be a blessing to this generation if not you?
It's time to believe in what God made, God made you...and he did not make a "failure". 

An Aircraft was made to Fly, but until you place the appropriate demand on its functionality, it will remain grounded. 

What demands have you been placing on yourself? 

Average or Great?

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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