Sunday, 26 March 2017


In a soccer game, the ultimate objective is winning. For winning to be a reality, goals have to be scored. The more the goals, the higher the chances of a team to win the game. 

But an interesting part of the 90 minutes game, is the "Substitution of Players". A time to make a Tactical change or potentially take out tired legs and infuse some energy into the team by introducing fresh legs. 

Let's assume for a second you are a Soccer Team: 

What tactical changes would you like to introduce in your life from the next quarter? I know you have set your goals, written them down and probably hung them somewhere on your wall; but then,  where is your list of "Changes I need to make"?

Winning your game daily, excelling weekly or achieving your monthly Personal goals will require strategy but if you can't see results might want to consider making a "Tactical Change". 

What if you cut down your sleeping hours by 2 hours? Will it impact on your project delivery time?

What if you create a list everytime you are going out to shop for groceries? Will your personal financial Management improve?

What if you partner with another business to execute the contract? 

Friends, the first quarter is just winding's time to make Personal Tactical changes! It's time to CHANGE INTO SOMETHING DIFFERENT!

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 19 March 2017


The real price for success is the determination to change who we are today for the prize we seek tomorrow. 

The truth is, you will have to confront and over come giants before you possess your Promise Land. You will meet your "Career/Business Goliath" before you will ascend your throne. There will be "Red-sea" like circumstances, wilderness phases and even Walls of Jericho delaying your entry into your Canaan.

However, I need you to understand, you can't afford to be chicken-hearted; you can't afford to be psychologically weak; you can't afford to return to that person you used to be...that person who complains, and always finds excuse for their lack of commitment to the process that is designed to make them successful. 

The days of saying "I have no one to help me" is's time to get out there and help yourself. 

It's time for you to  Change...because the days ahead will even be tougher...and your weak mental attitude will do you no good. 
It's time to raise your personal standards...walk away from cool but unproductive friendships. It is time to build your capacity for the opportunities ahead of you. 

It doesn't matter what you might be going through right now...make that pain an advantage...don't let that pain be a setback, rather it should be a set-up for your take-off. 

If your supposed goal is not costing you an upward change in your personal character and values, you need to review how committed you are to pursuing that goal. 

It's your turn to achieve quality outcomes in your's your turn to CHANGE INTO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 12 March 2017


Haven failed my UK Driving test four times within 12 weeks, my instructor said something as he began to prepare me for my fifth attempt; he said 

"on the day of the test, if you keep driving as a learner, you will return home as a learner but if you drive as a Licensed driver you will go home with your Full Drivers License". 

What was he asking of me...? Change...I needed to Change attitudinally into the person I wanted to become. 

Stop blaming everyone and everything around you for your current position. That is you...being the old you, playing the victim. This might not sound sweet but "the government IS NOT your problem, your employer IS NOT your problem, your pay cheque IS NOT the problem, your spouse/partner IS NOT the problem". 

The real problem is ME...yes...that's right! Stop expecting things to change when you are not willing to go through the crucible of change yourself. 

I don't care who might have hurt you in the past, you need to drop all of those anger, bitterness, resentment and hatred you have been nurturing all these's a weight- DROP IT! Those whom you hold the grudge against are so free living whereas you are dying-DROP IT! 

Begin to see in you the person you aspire to become tomorrow, and start to mimic/rehearse that person today. 

Stop saying "those rich people"...excuse me, I thought you are one of them. Start saying "...We billionaire CEOs..."...yes! that's right! 

Do not let your current circumstance become your vision...NO! Make your prospect your vision from right where you are. 

Believe in what God made...God made you...and He did not make a failure!

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 5 March 2017


"We can't solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them" - Albert Einstein 

Everybody desires to be successful but not everyone truly wants to pay the price. Greatness will never change to meet you at your low energy level...we are the ones to change who we are if we are really interested to achieve greatness in what we do. 

It doesn't matter what your goals doesn't matter how big or how small, whom you may or may not have shared it with; the truth is,  if you are not willing to change who you are today, that dream does not have a chance to become a reality.  

That dream is suppose to put a demand on your sleeping hours; It is suppose to put a demand on whom your friends should be; it is suppose to put a demand on how much time you spend watching TV; how much time you spend taking selfies and putting it up on Social Media; it is suppose to put a demand on the quality of books and articles you read and stock on your Personal library. 

So...what's it going to be? Do you really want "this"?

If it is yet to place a demand on who you are need to rethink your strategy. 

During the 2016 Olympics 400m race, Shaunae Miller had to dive in order to deny Allyson Felix (the  reigning Gold medalist as at the time) the Olympic Gold for that race. 

Shaunae Miller knew if she would obtain the gold, if she would beat Allyson Felix, she will need to change the way she finishes her race. 

Jesus told  Nicodemus

"..Except a man BE born again...he CANNOT SEE the Kingdom of heaven..." Jn 3:3 (KJV). 

Who do you need to order to SEE the fulfillment of your dreams? It's time to Change into Something Different. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!