Everybody desires to be successful but not everyone truly wants to pay the price. Greatness will never change to meet you at your low energy level...we are the ones to change who we are if we are really interested to achieve greatness in what we do.
It doesn't matter what your goals are...it doesn't matter how big or how small, whom you may or may not have shared it with; the truth is, if you are not willing to change who you are today, that dream does not have a chance to become a reality.
That dream is suppose to put a demand on your sleeping hours; It is suppose to put a demand on whom your friends should be; it is suppose to put a demand on how much time you spend watching TV; how much time you spend taking selfies and putting it up on Social Media; it is suppose to put a demand on the quality of books and articles you read and stock on your Personal library.
So...what's it going to be? Do you really want "this"?
If it is yet to place a demand on who you are today...you need to rethink your strategy.
During the 2016 Olympics 400m race, Shaunae Miller had to dive in order to deny Allyson Felix (the reigning Gold medalist as at the time) the Olympic Gold for that race.

Shaunae Miller knew if she would obtain the gold, if she would beat Allyson Felix, she will need to change the way she finishes her race.
Jesus told Nicodemus
"..Except a man BE born again...he CANNOT SEE the Kingdom of heaven..." Jn 3:3 (KJV).
Who do you need to BE...in order to SEE the fulfillment of your dreams? It's time to Change into Something Different.
You will not fail!
Good morning and Happy New Week!
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