Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Sunday, 29 January 2017
Some people have prayed all kinds of prayers...some people have just completed their yearly fast, probably some others are still fasting.
Let me use this medium to give you an idea of what God will do:
Just like Israel, God is planning to totally take you out of Egypt (2016 experiences) but he will take you through the Red Sea...yes! your "Career and Business Red Sea"
Will you allow fear to get in the way? Will you rather opt for average (remaining where you used to be)?
God will start giving you ideas that will look too big for your imagination. He will bring you into a land where there are giants that needs to be dispossessed.
Will you like the 10 spies say "...they are stronger than we are...we be not able.." or "that kind of billion dollar opportunity is not for me...it's too big"?
Like David, he will bring you before "Goliath" which is your ticket to your enthronement.
Will you give it your best shot or act timid because you don't look physically built like "Goliath"?
I will close with this...
Josh 1:6 "...Be strong and be of a good COURAGE..."
Josh 1:7 "...Only be thou strong and VERY COURAGEOUS.."
Josh 1:9 "...Be strong and of a good COURAGE..."
Friends, average courage will deliver average results, good courage will deliver good results and great courage will deliver great results. Zero courage, will inspire zero action and ultimately zero result.
The choice is yours.
You will not fail!
Good morning and Happy New Week!
Sunday, 22 January 2017
So...you refused to take that step (make that move), just because a friend (colleague, family member, loved one) who "cares so much" about you had asked "what if you fail"?
"what if it doesn't work"?
"why do you want to make a fool out of yourself"?
and then the ultimate question...
"what if you die in the process"?
When you have made a conscious decision to make a difference in life...you will need to think carefully about the people you will answer to in the course of the journey.
Every soldier answers to an officer or a Commander in chief; Every athlete (sports man/woman) answers to a coach; Every student answers to his/her lecturer.
So the question is...
"what is your objective...and by reason of that objective, who are you supposed to be answering to on your way to achieving that objective"?
To a civilian, the drills of a soldier is cruel, too hard and senseless...of course that's why s/he is not a soldier.
So...when did a non/under-achiever began counselling you on your dreams and aspirations? All she ever wanted was to have a first degree and you think she will understand why you need a PhD?
Friends, if they don't have outcomes in their lives (business/career) that's inspirational to you, think twice before you listen to them.
The same way iron sharpeneth iron...is the same way an ambitionless (all talk but no action) man is seeking for whom he will teach his ways.
"...Cast not away therefore your COURAGE (because of the counsel of a lazy man), because your COURAGE has GREAT RECOMPENSE OF REWARD..." Heb. 10:35 (KJV paraphrase are author's).
You will not fail!
Good morning and Happy New Week!
Be Bold,
Beyond Limits,
Giving All,
Go Big,
Sunday, 15 January 2017
Married for 10 years with no child, became a widow with no child; had a mother-in-law who was soooo heart broken because of the loss of her husband and two sons, yet, Ruth decided to keep going forward. (Ruth 1:1-end).
Let's put that in context...why will you stick to a mother-in-law who has nothing but to offer you painful memories? TEN YEARS of marriage with no issue is enough to worry about; the death of your husband comes next...and now your mother-in-law is asking you to go back to your people, yet...Ruth said I will not go back.
Got into a strange country and from day 1, decided to COURAGEOUSLY go out to be productive...never a moment to sit down and cry over her situation, rather thinking of ways to be positively engaged in life.
She took initiative, decided to be part of the harvesting process in a stranger's farm...and guess what...genuine courage from within always endears the favour of God.
You want to know the end of that story? Ruth eventually got remarried, had a son and became one of the paternal great grand mothers of King David and by extension Jesus Christ, the saviour of the world.
I don't know what your story is...not sure if I can understand what you have been through but one thing is certain, sitting down and crying, looking for pity party will not change the situation. Being all angry, brooding on negative emotions and having little or no drive for life will not change anything.
Get out there...and engage courage because like Ruth, you are just about to make history.
"...Believe in What God made...God made you and He never made a failure..."-Pst. Chris Oyakhilome.
You will not fail!
Good morning and Happy New Week!
Let's put that in context...why will you stick to a mother-in-law who has nothing but to offer you painful memories? TEN YEARS of marriage with no issue is enough to worry about; the death of your husband comes next...and now your mother-in-law is asking you to go back to your people, yet...Ruth said I will not go back.
Got into a strange country and from day 1, decided to COURAGEOUSLY go out to be productive...never a moment to sit down and cry over her situation, rather thinking of ways to be positively engaged in life.
She took initiative, decided to be part of the harvesting process in a stranger's farm...and guess what...genuine courage from within always endears the favour of God.
You want to know the end of that story? Ruth eventually got remarried, had a son and became one of the paternal great grand mothers of King David and by extension Jesus Christ, the saviour of the world.
I don't know what your story is...not sure if I can understand what you have been through but one thing is certain, sitting down and crying, looking for pity party will not change the situation. Being all angry, brooding on negative emotions and having little or no drive for life will not change anything.
Get out there...and engage courage because like Ruth, you are just about to make history.
"...Believe in What God made...God made you and He never made a failure..."-Pst. Chris Oyakhilome.
You will not fail!
Good morning and Happy New Week!
Be Bold,
Beyond Limits,
Monday, 9 January 2017
In this year...I need you to do yourself one simple favour and that is to begin to "KNOCK ON BIGGER DOORS".
Whoever is behind those doors notwithstanding, the Protocols involved notwithstanding, your years of experience not withstanding, your account statement notwithstanding...make a decision to KNOCK ON BIGGER DOORS this year.

Because THEY WILL eventually OPEN...if you knock courageously.
"...and to him that KNOCKeth...IT SHALL BE OPENED..." Matt. 7:7-8 (KJV paraphrase are author's)
David was only a shepherd boy but on seeing Goliath he decided TO KNOCK ON A BIGGER DOOR. [Used to be the hero among the sheep but now seeks to be the hero among humans by delivering them from their Predator].
Although still a prisoner, Joseph told Pharaoh's servant whom he met in Prison "when your position is restored-remember me"...[Used to work for a minister (Potiphar) but now desires to work for the Prime minister (Pharaoh)].
DO NOT LET YOUR current but temporary circumstance determine the size of the door you intend to knock.
It's time to SOW COURAGE...Go KNOCK on some bigger doors...and by the way...
Who else should make it "bigger" this year if not you?
Lest I forget, some of those doors...as big as they are don't need knocking...THE ARE AUTOMATIC sliding doors...THEY OPEN on their own accord they only need to sense your move in their direction.

How do I mean?...The prodigal son, only made a decision to return home and had his direction heading home...Guess what...miles away, his father sighted him...and the AUTOMATIC DOOR flung itself WIDE OPEN.
You will not fail!
Good morning and Happy New Week!
Monday, 2 January 2017
Life will pay whatever demands you place on it.
As a matter of fact the difference between where you are today and where you will be by the end of the year is a function of what you have the courage to demand for.
Have you ever sat down to ponder on the scripture that says...
"Ask...and you shall receive...Seek...and you shall find...Knock and it shall be opened unto you..." Matt. 7:7-8 KJV (Paraphrase are author's).
Some of you will agree with me that there are some doors, you alone have tagged "unknockable"...there are some Opportunities you alone have tagged "Not for me"...
...but why not you...?
Timidity has downsized your self assessment, limited your reach and now you say life is unfair-I am sorry but that's the lie you have been telling yourself for so long. Because everyone who ever dared to Ask courageously, dared to Seek courageously and dared to Knock courageously always got what they wanted.
To all my "spiritual" friends...how many times did David pray to kill Goliath? How many all nights did he do? Did he fast?
There you are...for just that little job interview, you prayed, fasted, did a personal all night, sent all the demons into the desert (even the ones that don't have business with your job interview), your Pastor prayed for you, you anointed yourself and after every every....the big day comes.
What is your name sir? You begin to feel all sweaty and shaky and for the simplest question every adult should comfortably answer...you are stuttering.
We all are Destiny farmers and per time we are either sowing seeds of fear, caution or courage...and the outcomes around our lives today is a true reflection of the kind of farmer we have been.
You will not fail!
Good morning and Happy New Week!
Sunday, 1 January 2017
Dear Friend,
Congratulations and welcome to a brand new Month/Year!
Every Manager who intends to win in any team sport always put their best team forward. The quality of any harvest is determined by the quality of the seed planted.
Courage is your best team...Courage is your best seed. In this month...I am asking you to SOW COURAGE in your "Dream Farm" and watch what your harvest will be.
Congratulations once again and happy new month/Year!
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