In this year...I need you to do yourself one simple favour and that is to begin to "KNOCK ON BIGGER DOORS".
Whoever is behind those doors notwithstanding, the Protocols involved notwithstanding, your years of experience not withstanding, your account statement notwithstanding...make a decision to KNOCK ON BIGGER DOORS this year.

Because THEY WILL eventually OPEN...if you knock courageously.
"...and to him that KNOCKeth...IT SHALL BE OPENED..." Matt. 7:7-8 (KJV paraphrase are author's)
David was only a shepherd boy but on seeing Goliath he decided TO KNOCK ON A BIGGER DOOR. [Used to be the hero among the sheep but now seeks to be the hero among humans by delivering them from their Predator].
Although still a prisoner, Joseph told Pharaoh's servant whom he met in Prison "when your position is restored-remember me"...[Used to work for a minister (Potiphar) but now desires to work for the Prime minister (Pharaoh)].
DO NOT LET YOUR current but temporary circumstance determine the size of the door you intend to knock.
It's time to SOW COURAGE...Go KNOCK on some bigger doors...and by the way...
Who else should make it "bigger" this year if not you?
Lest I forget, some of those big as they are don't need knocking...THE ARE AUTOMATIC sliding doors...THEY OPEN on their own accord they only need to sense your move in their direction.

How do I mean?...The prodigal son, only made a decision to return home and had his direction heading home...Guess what...miles away, his father sighted him...and the AUTOMATIC DOOR flung itself WIDE OPEN.
You will not fail!
Good morning and Happy New Week!
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