Saturday, 31 March 2018


Dear Friend, 

Happy Easter!

Congratulations and welcome to a brand new month. 

We want to believe that, this second quarter will be better than the first for you in every area of your life. 

Life will answer to you, according to how you see yourself; life's challenges is only as big to the degree of how small we see ourselves. If you want things to change around your world...begin to see yourself more powerfully. 

Why not join us this month as we discuss the theme "THE POWER OF YOUR VISION".

Congratulations once again and Happy Easter! 

Sunday, 25 March 2018


"...Say ye not, a confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, a confederacy; NEITHER FEAR YE THEIR FEAR nor be afraid..." Isa. 8:12 KJV (paraphrase are author's). 

So, someone literally suspended some goal, they wanted to chase just because an "uncle" had told them they will not make it in that area. 

Parents go as far as discouraging their kids from studying certain courses in the university, because of how they feel about the course or because of what happened "several years ago" to someone they knew then. 

You see, among many things we have to deal with in life, is the fact that we have to deal with the "fears" thrown at us by those who supposedly "care" about us; and one way to efficiently do that is "never to dread what they dread".

If you will be honest, some of the limitations you have placed on your imagination is not necessarily because of your own personal experiences but because of "fear" which was communicated to you on the subject...and so, without any form of objective personal research you literally just shut your mind towards that particular dream destination. 

Stop letting anyone project their fears on your "imagination". 

Who told you, you can't own a multibillion dollar corporation in an area everyone failed? 

Who told you it is impossible to study abroad even when you don't have any support from family? 

How is it that, you believe, you must spend 5 years on that role before you can become a Manager? 

I am not sure what your story might be...but I dare you "not to fear their fears". 
Other people's experience shouldn't be the parameter for which you measure what is impossible for you.  

Whose fear have you granted access into your "dream space"? Kick them out now!

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 18 March 2018


"...Faith comes by hearing..." Rom. 10:17 KJV

Whatever you continuously expose your self to, your mind will capture and store; and on the day of adversity, you will behave what is already stored up internally. 

Faith or fear don't just jump on you. As a matter of fact, your thought life is predominantly based on what you hear and see. 

What we think on is connected to what we continuously hear and see. What you scarcely hear, you will scarcely think about. 

Everyone was scared of Goliath, you know why? They knew (exposure) is profile. David's brain possibly had no data about Goliath, hence he could not process who Goliath was. However, he had stored up data about the Victories God had given him over the years...and that was what, he kept processing. 
If you want to live above fear, pay attention to what you hear. If the content doesn't inspire will certainly inspire fear. 

What do you love to read? What do you love to hear?

If you want to keep your home...stop listening to stories about separation. It doesn't mean you don't simply care about your sanity. 

If you want to go into business...stop listening to stories of those who started but failed. It's not healthy for you. 

To maintain a fear free life...there are certain relationships and friendships that you might have to discontinue. 

Some friends are naturally fear-full, if you keep spending too much time with them...your courage will be compromised. 

Be not deceived..."fear-full" communications" will corrupt "courageous manners".

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 11 March 2018


"..For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of POWER (ability to perform/function)..." 2Tim. 1:7 KJV [paraphrase are author's]. 

Someone once asked do I deal with fear? My answer was simple - TAKE ACTION. 

Are you scared you might fail that exam? Go and restructure your study timetable. 

Are you scared you will be behind on your rent next month? Do something now. 

You are scared that dress wouldn't fit? Start to work -out and put your self in some sort of exercise regime.

Don't sit down and tell me you are scared...stand up and go do something about that fear. Most people sit down with their fears, brood over it...and eventually they just get overwhelmed. 
95% of the time, the problem isn't fear...the real problem is "laziness". Inability to wheel yourself to doing what should fix the pending problem. 

The time you spend going around to talk about your fear, is the same time required to TAKE ACTION in the direction of fixing the supposed situation. 

Please and please, I need you to understand the fact that  "Everything that (will) ever cause you to panic, is not beyond your control". 

Make a list today of every fear you have...but make a second list of ACTIONS you MUST take to fix those fears. Commit to those actions and see your fears vanish before you even know it. 

The easiest way to be a "nobody" is to do "nothing". 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

Sunday, 4 March 2018


"...and the earth was "without form" and "void" and  "darkness" was upon the face of the deep..." Gen. 1:2 KJV [paraphrase are author's]. 

"Formless", "Empty" and "Dark".

This was the state of the world before God started taking steps. These were three significantly overwhelming situations all happening at once. 

God didn't finish dealing with "Formlessness" before "Emptiness" showed up and "Darkness" later...No! Everything was present. 

How did God do it? How come he made this amazing universe out of such a weird situation. I will tell you what I think...

"God was FAITH-full" He wasn't "FEAR-full". 

Someone might say "but He is God"...Yes! That's why he created you in "His own likeness and image". 

If God is not "Fear-full" there is no way, He would have created us to be "Fear-full". 

A goat cannot reproduce an offspring with a nature like an elephant. 

I make bold to say that, at any stage in your can never boast of having all three challenges God had from the beginning. Now if God took care of His business, irrespective of the situation...I believe you too can. 

It is the state of your heart that will influence the state of "your earth". 

Fear is only a feeling...and just like other feelings, we either allow it to remain or we let go. 

It's time to go create your world irrespective of what appears to be the prevailing circumstances around. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!