Sunday, 4 March 2018


"...and the earth was "without form" and "void" and  "darkness" was upon the face of the deep..." Gen. 1:2 KJV [paraphrase are author's]. 

"Formless", "Empty" and "Dark".

This was the state of the world before God started taking steps. These were three significantly overwhelming situations all happening at once. 

God didn't finish dealing with "Formlessness" before "Emptiness" showed up and "Darkness" later...No! Everything was present. 

How did God do it? How come he made this amazing universe out of such a weird situation. I will tell you what I think...

"God was FAITH-full" He wasn't "FEAR-full". 

Someone might say "but He is God"...Yes! That's why he created you in "His own likeness and image". 

If God is not "Fear-full" there is no way, He would have created us to be "Fear-full". 

A goat cannot reproduce an offspring with a nature like an elephant. 

I make bold to say that, at any stage in your can never boast of having all three challenges God had from the beginning. Now if God took care of His business, irrespective of the situation...I believe you too can. 

It is the state of your heart that will influence the state of "your earth". 

Fear is only a feeling...and just like other feelings, we either allow it to remain or we let go. 

It's time to go create your world irrespective of what appears to be the prevailing circumstances around. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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