Sunday, 11 March 2018


"..For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of POWER (ability to perform/function)..." 2Tim. 1:7 KJV [paraphrase are author's]. 

Someone once asked do I deal with fear? My answer was simple - TAKE ACTION. 

Are you scared you might fail that exam? Go and restructure your study timetable. 

Are you scared you will be behind on your rent next month? Do something now. 

You are scared that dress wouldn't fit? Start to work -out and put your self in some sort of exercise regime.

Don't sit down and tell me you are scared...stand up and go do something about that fear. Most people sit down with their fears, brood over it...and eventually they just get overwhelmed. 
95% of the time, the problem isn't fear...the real problem is "laziness". Inability to wheel yourself to doing what should fix the pending problem. 

The time you spend going around to talk about your fear, is the same time required to TAKE ACTION in the direction of fixing the supposed situation. 

Please and please, I need you to understand the fact that  "Everything that (will) ever cause you to panic, is not beyond your control". 

Make a list today of every fear you have...but make a second list of ACTIONS you MUST take to fix those fears. Commit to those actions and see your fears vanish before you even know it. 

The easiest way to be a "nobody" is to do "nothing". 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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