Sunday, 25 February 2018


 If you don't like the quality of the harvest obtained, pay attention to the quality of the seed sown. The harvest you are qualified for tomorrow is a function of the quality of the seeds you are sowing today. 

Paul puts it this way...

"...He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.." 2 Corinth. 9:6 KJV.

I may not be sure about the size, the quality and longevity of the future you seek in your business, career, family life, faith walk, etc. but, the quality, the size and the robustness of the initiatives you are taking today definitely gives a clue. 

God will not fill up the jars you didn't line up, No! God will not open the doors you weren't bold enough to knock on, No!
The ideas you never cared to pen down today...cannot magically evolve into books tomorrow. 

The company you didn't register today cannot become a conglomerate tomorrow. 

If you don't take the classes, you won't be certified. 

You cannot become an expert in an area of business or skill tomorrow, that you haven't consciously invested time to learn about today. 

If the guy is putting in 12 solid hours into practice and you are putting just 7 hours, I don't care who is prophesying over your life...he will beat you on the day of the race. 

Don't get it mixed up...the size of your investment today is what determines the size of your harvest tomorrow. 

If you anticipate a great harvest, put in a great seed; an average seed will only produce an average harvest. 

It also goes to say...the size of your irresponsibility today, will determine the measure of your pain tomorrow...if you doubt me, ask the "prodigal" son. 

All roads lead to a destination, all flights lead to specific location...don't wish for the destination to be different when you can actually do something about the road you are on. 

It's time to take initiative for the future you anticipate. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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