Sunday, 18 February 2018


"And So Naomi was back, and Ruth the foreigner with her...They arrived in Bethlehem at the BEGINNING of the barley HARVEST" Ruth. 1:22 MSG Translation [emphasis are author's]

Ruth was a stranger, recently bereaved, had a logical reason to be down emotionally for a bit in this foreign land, but she understood the times and season...hence she took initiative. As a stranger she took initiative to go and become a volunteer in someone's farm...from there Boaz took note of her. 

I am a stranger, I am bereaved, I'm hurting, this line of business is strange to me, etc. As logical as they may sound, these excuses interfere with your inclination to taking initiative thereby reducing your chances to excel. 

The man Joseph had every excuse to live in bitterness and depression:

1. He was sold into slavery by his own siblings 
2. Sent to prison after being falsely accused

Yet, he never stopped taking an inmate, he sent his verbal CV to Pharaoh through Pharaoh's servants. 

Friends, be careful of pain, it has the potential of constituting a huge distraction and a blindfold, so you don't take initiative, hence you miss your opportunity. 

Be wary of "justifiable excuses" before you get excused out of your enthronement.  

Jacob was cheated by Laban, yet in the midst of the supposed maltreatment Jacob got an inspired idea on how to breed specialized cattle. 

Even in your disadvantaged position or circumstance, if you are sensitive enough to take initiative, you will emerge as an achiever. 

You will not fail!

Good morning and Happy New Week!

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